Example sentences of "that the [noun pl] have [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 CAN Subic Bay , the huge military base that the Americans had to abandon in November , again become an asset to the Philippines ?
2 It was not till we saw the captive aerostat balloon with its ever watching radar that the Americans had hoisted over Grand Bahama to probe for boats or aircraft smuggling drugs , that the Maggot again spoke , and by then he had recaptured all his old insouciance .
3 Although on friendly terms with Matthew Boulton before going to Birmingham , he would not give him the details of a cannon ‘ that the Americans have constructed on a new principle ’ .
4 It makes no sense for two countries to build essentially the same satellite , and the surge-tide of new satellites from Europe and Japan is threatening to kill ideas that the Americans have had for years .
5 I was crouched in the hay in the stable that the horses have gone from and she did n't know I was watching her .
6 One reviewer of the Salon des Indépendants of 1912 writes : ‘ Now that the Cubists have grown into a school their works occupy several rooms and are to be seen in several exhibitions ’ , and another : ‘ the Cubists are to be found in force ’ .
7 Except for birds seen during severe winter weather , which have often associated with influxes of other geese , records of this species are open to the suspicion that the birds have escaped from captivity .
8 Their schemes , especially under the emperors , were extensive , grandiose , eye-catching , but never of the same meticulous quality of craftmanship and design that the Greeks had attained before them .
9 The information that the Departments have presented to us on which to er respond to the consultation has n't even been very and indeed when we requested after the first round of consultation to know the existing number of lines on which they placed er their , their recommendations .
10 Cynics believe that the forums have come about merely because royal patronage has made them a fashionable activity for business leaders seeking a knighthood .
11 The investigators could see that the fractures of the wings indicated overloading , but such a technical assessment measured against the indisputable evidence that the wings had failed in flight would have been unconvincing , not to say inconvenient , to the news hawk and the potential litigant .
12 It 's through him that the players have stayed at the club . ’
13 ‘ Now that the Conservatives have got in it is more than likely that we will get a base rate cut and so all investment rates will fall . ’
14 It 's the second time in a quarter of a century that the locals have come into conflict with planning officials .
15 but I had n't yet realized that the answers had to come from me rather than from the therapist .
16 It appears to us that the point is a thoroughly esoteric one because it postulates that the judges had consented to arrangements for the Inns to exercise disciplinary powers over barristers , subject to their supervision , which infringed some fairly elementary rules of natural justice .
17 In fact , ‘ I shot The Sheriff ’ was merely a Marleyised version of the storyline in a song that The Wailers had used as a vocal showcase since the late '60s , The Impressions ' ‘ Keep On Moving ’ .
18 The offers came among a number of other lesser positions that the girls had applied for .
19 All I knew at that stage was that the girls had drowned in a sailing accident .
20 The case was contested by the youths , who claimed that the girls had agreed to ‘ leisurely sex ’ .
21 Lord Justice Nolan said that the Clothiers had suffered in their business and were not dishonest .
22 The women appear rather to get a share of the compensation for the " " il fit " " , the " unpleasant trick " ( 4184 ) that the clerks had suffered during the preceding day .
23 The government claimed that the miners had come to Bucharest " spontaneously " but admitted that they were fed and lodged in government-owned sports halls .
24 It is also apparent that the cities have suffered as a result of the abolition in 1986 of the metropolitan counties and the Greater London Council .
25 She looked up and saw that the lights had changed to green and as the car behind her sounded its horn she let out the clutch too quickly and the car lurched forward .
26 Although the number of accidents involving specific road user groups is small , the indications are that the benefits have fallen to pedestrians , particularly children , and cyclists .
27 When it is pointed out that a number of Labour programmes have been markedly radical , as in 1945 and 1983 , then it is claimed that the leaders have failed to be behind them and give them their solid backing and support .
28 However , no doubt mollified both by the President 's dramatic decision on Tuesday to announce the release of eight long-term political prisoners and by the urbanity of his style , the archbishop did note that the talks had proceeded in ‘ a far better atmosphere ’ than previous encounters he has had with the government .
29 Tehran Radio reported that the talks had centred on the resolution of the Afghan problem and on recent trilateral meetings in Islamabad and Teheran [ see pp. 38338-39 ; 38394 ] .
30 Detective Inspector Rex Carpenter told the inquest that the builders had knocked on Mr and Mrs Wilkins ' door and persuaded them to have work done on their home .
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