Example sentences of "that the [noun] had [vb pp] [det] " in BNC.

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1 As they skirted the wrecked houses , Miss Logan could not help observing to herself that the earthquake had killed all the inhabitants while leaving intact those vines which — if Miss Fergusson should be believed — were the very source of their temptation and their punishment .
2 About a week later he explained at more length that the committee had seen all the drawings and liked them with this one exception .
3 At the time , many Israelis believed their government 's explanation that the Arabs had left either of their own free will or at the behest of their leaders .
4 I had heard stories about a failed invasion attempt in 1940 , but a Russian NCO insisted that the Germans had planned some sort of operation against Churchill in a remote part of Norfolk in the autumn of 1943 .
5 in the Court of Appeal , ‘ in view of the historic struggle of the legislature to secure for itself the sole power to levy money upon the subject , its complete success in that struggle , the elaborate means adopted by the representative House to control the amount , the conditions and the purpose of the levy , the circumstances would be remarkable indeed which would induce the court to believe that the legislature had sacrificed all the well-known checks and precautions , and , not in express words , but merely by implication , had entrusted a Minister of the Crown with undefined and unlimited powers of imposing charges upon the subject for purposes connected with his department . ’
6 When I talked to Mr Hitch 's son , also on the maypole committee , he felt that the village had retained this ‘ independent spirit ’ and the maypole was still symbolic of this .
7 He justified the appeal by claiming that the smugglers had done much for the town 's " smugglers cove " image and that the town would benefit from the resultant increase in tourist trade .
8 When people thought that the difficulty had been the credit firm 's fault , about half said that the company had made some mistake — such as claiming that arrears were owed , when in fact payments were up to date ; about half said they had been refused some type of credit which they had applied for .
9 Tynagh Mines ' manager , David Fitzgerald , denied all the allegations and said that the company had spent half a million pounds on safety work and intended spending a further £200,000 .
10 The jury under his Lordship 's direction found that the appellant had paid all the sums which by the agreement of December 21 , 1876 , he undertook to pay and within the times therein specified .
11 It was composed of disparate reactionary groups , violently nationalist and anti-Semitic in outlook , whose only regret was that the Tsar had issued any manifesto at all .
12 It seemed very unlikely that the officer had said this .
13 In her column today about the Budget 's VAT increases , Ruth Wishart commented that the Government had made much of not putting any money on income tax .
14 Economic statistics indicated that the government had made some progress in its diversification plans .
15 On July 8 the IAEA confirmed that Iraq had acknowledged work on three parallel programmes " for uranium enrichment " although the Foreign Affairs Minister , Ahmad Husayn Kudayyir , claimed on July 9 that the government had destroyed all its nuclear weapons capability .
16 The EPLF claimed that the government had used this lull in the fighting to build up its military strength .
17 Iraqi Prime Minister Sa'adoun Hammadi had said on July 15 that the government had disclosed all information about its nuclear facilities .
18 In reality it was simply a recognition that the government had abandoned any serious attempt to keep monetary growth within targets .
19 Unaware that the papacy had lost much of its earlier counter-Reformation vigour and that relations between Rome and Paris were far from harmonious , many English Protestants remained convinced that their church was increasingly at risk from the growing ambition of Louis XIV , and made strenuous efforts to divert Charles and James from their pro-Catholic paths .
20 The church is using state money rather than their own money and it was felt that the church had become another agency of the state in this regard .
21 He understood that the boy had had little formal education until Edouard took him under his wing .
22 Most of them , however , 53 per cent , made other comments , generally to the effect that the person had had little to do with other residents : ‘ Her mind had gone so she was not able to socialise. ,
23 But the professor showed Davide that the coin was too thick to receive the impress all the way through as goldleaf does , that the engravers had struck both sides independently , with two different dies .
24 An immigration officer would have to satisfy a civil standard of proof to a high degree of probability that the entrant had practised such deception .
25 He added that the exports had ceased some time previously .
26 In due course he was returned to normal health , except that the acids had removed all the pigmentation from his exposed skin .
27 On the following day , however , both Soviet and Japanese diplomatic sources denied that the discussions had included any degree of Soviet acceptance of Japan 's claim on the territory .
28 Although criticising the Africans , whom many Chinese do not like because they have more money because of higher scholarships and a greater degree of freedom , there is a legitimate case to be made for the view that the students had found another excuse to bring attention to their own problems and views about conditions in China .
29 He reached this conclusion notwithstanding the fact that the defendants had received this information as agents for Mr. Brant and that they owed accordingly a duty to Mr. Brant not to disclose the information to others .
30 The plaintiffs contended that their business plan was confidential , that the items of information relied upon were sufficiently confidential to be protectable after termination of the defendants ' employment and that it could be inferred that the defendants had used those items by virtue of alleged similarity between figures appearing in the respective business plans .
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