Example sentences of "that the [noun] should [verb] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 This they failed to do and to end the sorry spectacle an order came that the executioner should cut his head off .
2 The only editorial guideline was that the subject should have something to do with leisure software for home computers .
3 Opening provisions of the Treaty on European Union stated that the Union should assert its identity on the international scene " through the implementation of a common foreign and security policy which shall include the eventual framing of a common defence policy " .
4 And I would like to ask you , er er and the rest of the committee of who , whatever we can do , and that the officers should advise us what we can do , to make a further submission .
5 Writing in the latest issue of the Federation 's magazine GAFF , Doherty proposes that the organisation should institute its own honours system which would recognise both anglers and clubs .
6 When I suggest that women have a strong ability to communicate with each other and form a collective body , it is not to imply that the individual should lose herself entirely in this .
7 I had thought about it seriously , examined the political parties with an open mind , and finally come to the conclusion that the Lib-Dems should have my vote .
8 Lord Balfour thought it was Asquith 's duty to keep Baldwin in power , Lord Long that the Conservatives should offer their support to Asquith .
9 I think that there should be controls over noise ; however I think that the controls should affect everyone — especially those closer to the ground .
10 From Dixons , we will hear that the company should retain its independence because its current trading woes are a product of a consumer squeeze over which it has no control and because it will make lots of money when times get better and we have more spare cash with which to buy new tellies , video recorders , fridges etc .
11 Inexperienced as I was in counselling , I nevertheless felt it essential that the school should offer itself as a support agency through which parents could find their way into the numerous services provided by the state , by the local authority and by voluntary organisations .
12 Edward 's treatment of his youngest sons was markedly lacking in generosity , and noted by contemporaries : in a political sermon delivered during the crisis of 1376 Thomas Brinton Bishop of Rochester argued that the king should place his sons above the servants , for it was not right and just that servants should become lords and lords beggars .
13 That the king should feel it necessary to speak for himself in these discussions is striking — the theoretical concepts of sovereignty , homage and fealty clearly had important implications .
14 That the King should lose his temper , ’ Tuathal said .
15 Counsel for the applicant advised that the examination be limited to the issue of the applicant 's fitness to plead and that the defence should instruct their own forensic psychiatrist to report on other possible defences .
16 Tolkien 's suggestion was that the Faculty should reform its syllabus , giving space far a proper study of the Old English poets .
17 Although it proposed no major institutional changes , apart from greater co-operation between colleges of education , universities and polytechnics , it did recommend that the colleges should broaden their base by offering other courses alongside teacher-training , notably the two-year Diploma of Higher Education ( Dip.HE ) , a development which is discussed in detail later in this chapter .
18 He suggested , as I describe earlier , that the NHS should confine itself to health care , and local authorities should be responsible for social care .
19 William Tite , the Liberal MP for Bath , and the only professional architect in the House of Commons , then made his first contribution towards the new Foreign Office by suggesting that the Government should form its own plan out of all the ideas produced so far , such as ‘ the plan of Sir J. Soane , that of Mr. Pennethorne , and also the plans in the present competitive exhibition ’ .
20 And one of the difficulties … is that [ private citizens ] have an innate belief that the government should get everything right all the time .
21 Charlemagne sent gifts to him in late 795 or early 796 , but when Aethelred was killed in 796 and the Frankish envoys returned to Gaul with the news , Charles recalled his gifts , furious that the Northumbrians should murder their lord and holding them worse than pagans ; and this sudden loss of his Northumbrian protégé may well have endangered the delicate balance Charlemagne was seeking to maintain in England to circumscribe the power of Offa of Mercia ( see below , p. 176 ff . ) .
22 Canon Anthony Harvey , sub-dean at Westminster Abbey , said in an article in Theology magazine that the Church should rethink its attitude to extra-marital sex and whether marriage was for life .
23 Third , a soft UK policy on abuse of market power will make it more difficult for the UK to argue that the EC should strengthen its merger policy .
24 Of course it is Important that the child should know what these parts of speech are !
25 Therefore , I believe that the Minister should give me the assurance that I seek .
26 It is extraordinary that the Minister should take it into his head that he knows better than people in the museums world , and impose upon them a period that nobody asked for — indeed , everybody asked for the opposite .
27 Miguelito yelled up that the man should do something unmentionable to himself .
28 What is surprising is not that the rural past should be called up , but that the writer should invest it with the imaginative and emotional power that he does .
29 It is interesting that the Chancellor should anticipate it , and I am sure that he will find the answer very satisfactory indeed .
30 Thus if a policeman gives directions to a traveller , a doctor tells a nurse how to administer medicine to a patient , a householder puts in an insurance claim , a shop assistant explains the relative merits of two types of knitting wool , or a scientist describes an experiment , in each case it matters that the speaker should make what he says ( or writes ) clear .
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