Example sentences of "that [indef pn] could [adv] [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 To actually meet a man she did n't find boring , a man who could make her feel , and to know that nothing could ever come of it ?
2 If Richard drove a beaten-up car , it seemed that nobody could reasonably ask for anything more themselves .
3 Burns triumphantly hijacks this image by extending the golden substance to the borders of manhood — ‘ a man 's a man for a ’ that' , so that one could properly ask for ‘ one man , one vote ’ .
4 ‘ What I liked in the books was the free open-air life , the spice of illegality and daring , roguish characters — the opportunities so far exceeding my own , the gun , the great pond , the country home , the apparently endless leisure — the glorious moments that one could always recapture by opening the Poacher — and the tinge of sadness here and there as in the picture of the old moucher perishing in his sleep by the lime kiln , and the heron flying over in the morning indifferent . ’
5 The pope 's comment that one could never lack for advocates in Rome , his advice to Thomas to go to Bologna and his own interest and concern in the details of hearings present a picture of Rome and a papal court alive with lawyers and those interested in the law .
6 I decided that neither one was a social system and that one could only speak of social change in social systems .
7 The most base instincts — the desire for food or sex — were , he argued , all that one could ever find in the unshaped man , and human nature was as indifferent to good or evil as free-flowing water is to the shape it eventually fills . ’
8 Gorbachev , at the two leaders ' concluding press conference , described the summit as an ‘ event of enormous importance for our bilateral relations ’ and added that one could now speak of a ‘ new phase of cooperation ’ between the two countries .
9 Gorbachev said that it had been an " event of enormous importance for our bilateral relations and in the context of world politics " and that one could now speak of a " new phase of co-operation " between the USA and the Soviet Union , describing Bush as " the kind of person to do business with " .
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