Example sentences of "that [subord] [noun prp] [vb past] [verb] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ I got Nell to tell his father that if Sheridan came to breakfast we would n't be putting on our scene , and it did the trick .
2 Claudia looked at Dana 's angry face and knew that if Roman had proposed she would have told her , triumphantly , as soon as she had seen her , accident or no accident .
3 He turned back to the Yard telling himself that if Berowne wanted to confide he would do it in his own good time .
4 She was tempted to tramp noisily down so that if Shildon had lingered he would be scared away , but then she would never know whether he had been there .
5 Home 's biographer implies that if Hailsham had taken it and not publicly shown his judgement faulty , Home would have supported Hailsham as Macmillan 's designated heir .
6 Coalition , Baldwin told Chamberlain , ‘ must of course be stamped on ’ ; he went on to say ‘ that if R.M. did approach him he would reply that there was no occasion for a Coalition .
7 I 'm ten years older now , and in retrospect I see that if Francesca had lived we would n't have been right for each other . ’
8 Alexei guessed that if Burun wished to discredit him with Artai he only had to link his name with any one of the intrigues which were a constant background to the life of the court .
9 One could not predict creatures not yet discovered , for the natural systems had no neat arithmetical basis like Linnaeus ' ; and anyone contemplating the system set out in Cuvier might feel ( with King Alfonso of Castile on Ptolemaic astronomy ) that if God had consulted him , he would have recommended something simpler .
10 In fact , Flaherty thought it was a better idea than invoking the Draoicht Suan until it was explained to him that unless Pumlumon did invoke it , they would all of them be roasting on spits in the Gruagach 's sculleries before the night was out , to which he said that giants had always been partial to roast Gnome and he had always thought it was a mistake to come to Tara in the first place .
11 Julia was clearly on the point of accepting but remembering her manners pointed out that since Ian had brought her she could hardly desert him .
12 Gilmour Thom , 51 , an institutional salesman with Bell Lawrie White , told the court that after Mackie had briefed him on his meeting with Mr Runciman , he had sold about 1.5 million Shanks & McEwan shares at prices ranging from 305p to 318p .
13 He 'd thought that when Nisodemus had summoned him and asked if there was any paint in the quarry , only now the quarry was being called the New Store .
14 Then Kraal remembered that when Creggan had asked him about where he came from all he had said was ‘ the South ’ and not really told him any more .
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