Example sentences of "that [subord] [pron] [verb] to [be] " in BNC.

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1 This might be interpreted as an indication that it is not his purpose or intention to present a systematic , coherent and consistent Advaitin account of the concept of Truth or God after the fashion of Śankara , the principal exponent of non-dualism , and that what could be said concerning the metaphysical basis of his thought is that although it purports to be Advaitin it does not preclude the possibility of Dvaita , or Dualist , and Viśi ādvaita , or qualified non-Dualist interpretations of the nature of reality .
2 ‘ He got annoyed when I said that though and said it was n't true , so I 'd like this time to say that although he appears to be very clever on stage and TV , in real life he is extremely stupid . ’
3 A second point to be considered is that although there appear to be differences between the exemplars of low risk junctions in the amount of information in the films such differences are small compared to the differences in P(A) that were observed .
4 It seems very likely that although there seems to be little in the idea of subliminal advertising , it is quite possible for a familiar ad for a familiar product to have at least some effect of reinforcing a favourable attitude without , to all intents and purposes , being consciously noted by the consumer at all .
5 Nevertheless , there are delays in discharge at the moment , often caused by silly things like a lack of commodes , and the nurses worry that if everything has to be in place before discharge then there will be more delays .
6 He went to the US because ‘ Goldsmith decided that if you wanted to be a capitalist the UK and France were not the places to be ’ .
7 One of the things about when you are old and move to a residential home I think one of the important things is that you want to go and live close to your loved ones , if you have any , and it does just worry me that if you happen to be a person who is resident in and your loved ones live in , under these terms if you went to a residential home in you would n't qualify for the higher rate and that seems to me to be wrong .
8 ACHINESE proverb has it that if you want to be happy for a week , get married ; for a month , kill a pig ; for a lifetime , plant a garden .
9 It is a case is n't it , that if you want to be a er a professional woman footballer , certainly there 's more opportunities on the continent than there are in Britain , is , is is is that the case ?
10 that 's what I tried to say to people , that if you want to be an informed parent then you want to know fully who 's doing it , what , you want to know the content , you want
11 No I am grateful to Mr because he 's finally crystallised in my mind something that 's been bugging me the longer I stay on this council about exactly what the Tories see their role here as and it 's now very clear to me , more than ever and that is that if you want to be obstructive and negative and if you go on long enough being obstructive and negative what you can end up doing is that you 'll find yourself eventually in a position going on long enough that you can make totally meaningless speeches but at least you 'll get nice headlines in the paper and that seems to me the whole essence of the Tory strategy .
12 A deaf therapist said : ‘ They felt that if I wanted to be on the course , I 'd got to manage the same as everyone else .
13 ‘ The best of it was that the farmer — Mr Harris — said that if I proved to be right , he 'd call me in again , especially as Mr Jarvis had said that my fees were moderate .
14 But Mr Major said that if he tried to be a Tory tough the public would know him for a phoney .
15 ‘ What is very important is to turn the screw on Iran , to make it clear to Iran that if it wants to be treated as an equal member of the community of nations , it has to stop trying to murder their citizens .
16 At five , Maura knew that if she wanted to be a part of their games she had to sit and watch quietly , otherwise they would sneak out of the garden leaving her alone .
17 His ‘ crimes ’ , as they saw it , started when he insisted that if there had to be meetings they must be businesslike , properly chaired and follow the agenda .
18 There is a powerful argument that if there has to be a national curriculum it must leave ample room for variation at the level of the local education authority as well as in the individual school .
19 ‘ However — and it is a BUT in capital letters — it 's as deplorable as it 's inevitable that because he happens to be a movie star his actions have drawn a torrent of destructive attention upon the entire industry with a free-for-all splurge in 57 varieties of scandal , malicious tongue-wagging and dirt . ’
20 It did occur to me that since everyone seemed to be playing a game with rules unknown to me , Robert might not be concerned only that I would be bored by myself , but he might want me to go with him for reasons of his own .
21 They argued that since there seemed to be infinitely more Friedmann-like models without a big bang singularity than there were with one , we should conclude that there had not in reality been a big bang .
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