Example sentences of "that [vb past] [not/n't] [verb] [prep] [det] " in BNC.

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1 Lyell instead wanted an empirical theory founded on observation and practical experience that did not depend on any preconceived ideas from the Bible or elsewhere and which provided a methodology a means of explaining geological phenomena .
2 There was an irredeemably old-fashioned ‘ welfarist ’ flavour to our proposals that did not appeal to many who were meant to benefit .
3 True , but in some cases that did not amount to all that much , and while inter-war legislation obviously provided the experience for the post-war Planning Acts which followed , the development of statutory land-use control took place at a time when particular environmental changes seemed to be little affected by formal planning powers .
4 So within a hundred years , man learnt to make recordings of sound with sufficient fidelity to fool the human ear — at least , sounds that did not come from several different points in space at the same time .
5 ‘ Leithia Everett ? ’ questioned an all-masculine voice that did n't belong to any of her fellow workers either — though somehow it seemed to be a voice she 'd heard somewhere recently .
6 Funnily enough , that had n't seemed at all real .
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