Example sentences of "that [vb past] [be] [prep] [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Certainly those who came for a meal with Dorothy Mellings — while Alice was there , with Jasper — tended to come in ones or twos , mostly women , perhaps needing Dorothy 's advice , or even to borrow money ; divorced friends — so many of the couples that had been to the Mellings 's in the good days had split up .
2 In spelling out its arguments for the proposed pattern , the Council was once again reinterpreting the balance that had been at the centre of its concerns from the beginning : there was nothing in the Charter and Statutes ‘ which prevented greater recognition from being given to an institution 's own internal procedures where these could be shown to be rigorous and effective .
3 Only then did it strike me that there was indeed a role that a further staff member could crucially play here ; that it was , in fact , this very shortage that had been at the heart of all my recent troubles .
4 First of all , there was the problem that had been at the root of France 's defeat in 1940 — the decay of the republican state , which had been so powerfully symbolized by the Third Republic 's abdication to Pétain in July 1940 .
5 The Paddington Bear wallpaper that had been on the walls for years was mocking her .
6 Marie , sick and trembling , overwhelmed with fear and guilt at her own actions , was already kneeling down with a dustpan and brush , sweeping up the broken glass from the tomato-sauce bottle that had been on the table .
7 He went into his bedroom , returned almost at once with the oil-lamp that had been on the table when we had dinner .
8 During the same month the Young Republicans barricaded themselves into a house in Harvey Street to resist the eviction of a family that had been on the housing list for eighteen years .
9 The were taken by limousine through the streets of Manhattan , observing with awe the eight magnificent structures that had been on the market for many months and which no one had wanted to buy .
10 And saved : The ice rink that had been on the skids .
11 But , when asked in 1947 to replace an old dirty power station that had been on the site since 1891 , he soon forgot such idealism and , like any architect , was glad to have the job .
12 But now he was n't making excuses , stating facts that had been under the surface all the time .
13 On one of the trials , Ray placed a popsock over the end of a pipe delivering water that had been through an Eradicator and , in 72 hours , collected a golf ball-sized piece of limescale from the mesh … in East Anglia , the water is so hard that it will give a kettle an internal fur coat in no time , and here was the proof .
14 that had been through the fire and they were taken out and you know whoever .
15 You would n't want one that had been in a smash anyway , it could
16 Only once had I feared the heat of Egypt and that had been in a waking dream .
17 By the time the light was on , where was the man that had been in the bed ?
18 But then she start putting my erm blouses on like , cos she probably seen somebody come in nice thinking oh dress up tomorrow and then I , in case he comes in and I used to think shit that had been in the wardrobe , alright I do n't wear them but I mean they 're still nice
19 Nigel went along on his own with a nice little pair of mother-of-pearl binoculars that had been in the family for generations .
20 He pulled the woollen cap that had been in the pocket of his overalls further down over his close-cut hair .
21 Scott LJ ( with whom Butler-Sloss and Purchas LJJ agreed ) said that the appeal raised a question that had been before the court on a number of occasions in the past 10 years .
22 Now , once again , the topic was timely as a substantial area of policy that had been within the ambit of the Royal Commission , but one which had not been pre-empted by Government intentions for legislation .
23 It was n't Caspar that had been after the lambs .
24 All that remained was for the Lord Chancellor by statutory instrument to appoint a day for s9 to come into effect .
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