Example sentences of "that [vb past] [pron] [vb infin] [conj] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 There was a Puritan austerity about him that made one doubt whether he ever enjoyed anything at all .
2 ‘ Maybe it was seeing the Dawsons that made me realise that you ca n't lose something you never had . ’
3 It was that inner voice that made me cringe as I lay sleepless on my lumpy mattress listening to the pogoing of the bedstead against the wall next door , where my co-tenants were pursuing their nightly quest for the elusive grail of Trish 's orgasm .
4 And that made me wonder if you were in it , too , and he 'd had a rendezvous at the cottage .
5 But then , having exhausted his recollections of the circumstances of his writing the paper , he switched to more personal matters and enquired carefully how I was getting on in a way that made me reel that my mission had been worthwhile and that I had by no means wasted his morning .
6 She handed me a glass of cider , others accepted a small glass of a clear liquid that made them wince as they swallowed it .
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