Example sentences of "that [vb past] [verb] [noun prp] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 It is no coincidence or mistake that it was the Conservative party that applied to take Britain into the Community , and which took Britain in .
2 The Yoko-like presence of a Greek Cypriot called Osmand Raif , Justin 's martial arts ‘ flexibility instructor ’ and personal masseur , was one of the things that helped rub Cloughie up the wrong way .
3 Marc laughed again with a scathing humour that seemed to cut Peter to the quick , but Marc went on , ‘ You do n't mean you 're going to enjoy Uncle 's money , you mean you 're going to squander it .
4 Meanwhile , the companies that rushed to endorse COSE after the announcement , such as the database companies , are now trying to figure out what exactly they backed .
5 The squall that had flung Trent against the bank had hit them at over one hundred and fifty miles an hour .
6 It was pure chance that had brought Jean-Claude to the attic window that same afternoon .
7 The adulation that had greeted Diana in the early days began to turn sour .
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