Example sentences of "that [noun prp] [vb past] [prep] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ I 've had confirmation from Laville , Reichsführer , that Devlin jumped into Southern Ireland at approximately two a.m . ’
2 Dragon is thought to draw on technology from Sun 's collaboration with Cray Research Inc to develop the non-massively parallel Sparc technology that Cray adopted with Floating Point Systems Inc ( UX No 369 ) , and may use Fujitsu Ltd CPUs .
3 Afterwards this incident and the flowers growing in the river were all that Victoria remembered of that summer .
4 The viola parts of the airs de monologue that begin Acts 1 and 3 of Hippolyte ( Aricie 's ‘ Temple sacré , séjour tranquille ’ and Phèdre 's ‘ Cruelle mere des amours ’ ) are wholly editorial , though there is no evidence that Rameau wished for fuller textures : d'Indy 's viola supplies no essential harmony but largely doubles notes in other parts .
5 There is a curious sense in which the no-holds-barred style that Nizan adopted in this series of five articles , the last he ever wrote for Ce Soir , marked a return to the sectarian , aggressive , uncompromising Nizan of 1932 .
6 The tense relationship that Nizan discovered in Soviet society between alienating metaphysical anguish and political struggle and social construction is clearly reflected in his writings of this phase .
7 A somewhat different tone began to emerge relatively quickly , particularly in an address that Gorbachev gave to British members of parliament later the same month .
8 Huy saw that Surere spoke with absolute seriousness .
9 The West Saxon Genealogical Regnal List allocates him a reign of three years , with one variant reading of two , but Bede also says that Caedwalla reigned for two years before his abdication in 688 ( HE IV , 12 : V , 7 ) ( see also above , p. 51 ) .
10 There is some evidence that Edward acted upon this request : in 1289 a specific judge of appeals ( unusjurisperitus judex appellacionum ) was created to handle cases arising from the court of Gascony , and a number of assemblies took place which gathered together the prelates , barons , knights and other nobles of the duchy , culminating in the great council at which Edward 's judicial and administrative ordinance ( 1289 ) for the future government of Aquitaine was promulgated .
11 He relished hearing the stories that Orton told of masturbatory sessions in public lavatories , of men he had picked up in the street , of having sex in shop doorways , of the sizes of his acquaintances ' organs and of his experiences with venereal disease .
12 The most bizarre of all these techniques , at least to our eyes , prejudiced as we are to a mammalian way of doing things , is that practised by Rhinoderma , a tiny frog that Darwin found in Southern Chile .
13 Not all the birds that Gould caught in this way were subjected to an impromptu autopsy .
14 Stalin had observed , when the treaty between the Soviet Union and Finland was signed , that Russia believed in true equality between states regardless of respective might .
15 Now this slide really takes the behind , takes us behind the first figure on the on the consolidated F R S One cash flow table and it really traces hard despite the reduction in profits , the very strong performance in working capital that Frank eluded to earlier means that er we actually end up with a net cash flow for operating activities more than thirty five million pounds higher .
16 Long after Barcelona had become an industrial city , the miserable invaded the streets on religious festivals to reveal the massive urban poverty that Spain shared with nineteenth-century Europe .
17 Mitch stormed , so obviously annoyed that Maggie knew without any doubt that telling him to guard Ana with his life had been a superfluous order .
18 The Welsh annals ( s.a. 629 ) refer to the besieging of Cadwallon on the island of Ynys Lannog ( Priestholm ) and Bede says that Eadwine brought under Anglian rule the Mevanian Islands , by which Môn ( Anglesey ) and Man are meant ( HE 11 , 5 ) , making it clear that the northern Anglian king must have established an impressive naval and military presence in the Irish Sea .
19 While recognising that successful sexual relations in later life depended to some extent on earlier satisfactory sexual expression the study known as the Starr-Weiner Report ( Starr and Bakur-Weiner , 1982 ) confirmed that ‘ Older adults are interested in sex , think about it , desire it , engage in it with the same frequency that Kinsey reported for forty year-olds . ’
20 ‘ Another story was that Bruce came in one day with Rumer , our baby girl , and said , ‘ That 's mommy .
21 The book is divided into four main blocks , each dealing with one of the four principal contributions that Einstein made to physical theory — statistical mechanics , special relativity , general relativity and the quantum theory .
22 This special extra energy can be shown to have an antigravitational effect : it would have acted just like the cosmological constant that Einstein introduced into general relativity when he was trying to construct a static model of the universe .
23 The book analyzes the different mistakes of interpretation and evaluation that Richards saw in these responses , and seeks to identify their causes .
24 And you ca n't be telling me that Harry went near running water if he could help it .
25 Over these next few weeks I 'd like us to be looking at some of the interviews that Jesus had with various characters , sometimes with an individual , sometimes with a small group of people , and just to see some of the things that we can learn from them .
26 The reason that Jesus talked with this woman was that he wanted to save her .
27 But the fact remains that Panaetius lived for some time in Rome , as the Index Stoicorum Herculanensis , an excellent source , states ( 73 ) ; and there seems to be no reason to doubt the statement of Cicero in Pro Murena that he was the guest of Scipio ( 31.56 ) .
28 Suggestions that Hickman experimented with nitrous oxide remain unsubstantiated .
29 She says that God spoke to many people in the Bible through their dreams , like Jacob , Joseph and Nebuchadnezzer. so why not her ?
30 From the above we see that LAC arranged for 4 visitors , were in contact with 14 area secretaries and 19 visits in all were made .
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