Example sentences of "that [noun prp] [be] [adv] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Gentlefolk of a quiet disposition should be aware that Girlschool are back with a new album and tour scheduled for the autumn .
2 So it was ironic that Lennie was not in the running for the new Barclays-sponsored prize .
3 Mr Tanner believes that AEI is probably at the forefront of its particular industry in trading electronically with both its customers and the airlines .
4 The driver glanced at him but sensed that Whitlock was n't in the mood to talk .
5 So absorbed by what Peter had told her , she had almost forgotten that Marc was still in the room .
6 That crazy notion disposed of , Fabia left her room , saw that Ven was already in the sitting-room , and her smile came out again .
7 The fact that Middlesbrough are still in the competition is a bonus .
8 Officially it 's because there 's a Derwentside civic service the same day ; that Sunderland are also in the FA Cup semi-final is , of course , irrelevant .
9 There was no reply to the phone , but as we were going that way to spend the night at Sandspit , we called at the neighbours ’ and found that Pat was away for a few days .
10 It was even possible , Alison told Franca , who already knew , that Pat was actually in the process of deciding to give up drink !
11 Her wakefulness was dogged by growing anxiety over the day ahead ; had her mother told Jennifer that David was back in the country , that he worked at OBEX ?
12 The letter was dated almost a week previously , and as Merrill read it she realised with dismay that Richard was already in the area and was suggesting that they meet in the lounge of Frobishers ' at seven o'clock on Saturday — this evening .
13 Juan quickly established that Avila was nowhere near the rescue base ( had we followed the consul 's directions we would have ended up three hours away ) and within an hour he was driving us into the heart of the Sierra de Gredos .
14 He stressed that GRE was back in the black due to significant improvement in its non-life insurance business , particularly in the UK .
15 The fact that Mustakimzade is clearly at a loss about Abdulkerim is further pointed up in his article about the following Mufti , Molla Arab .
16 O'Donnell , the reporter , had realised that Wells was not on the list of witnesses and wondered why .
17 Unlike his predecessors , he seems to have got his nobles more or less under control , and had pacified the Highlands ; but , like those predecessors , he found that England was rarely in a mood to be pacified .
18 ‘ You have not enquired as to the size of the fortune , ’ Colonel Moore said , in a tone which suggested that Hope was somehow in the wrong for this negligence .
19 And Caro knew that Hugh was out of the picture .
20 Ukraine , at loggerheads with Russia on military issues , insists that the accord must be turned into a multilateral one and that Russia is not in a position to ratify it on behalf of the other republics of the former Soviet Union .
21 The difference between us and those other publications , however , was that NSS was still on the newsstands almost a week after everyone knew that the Tories were back with an overall majority .
22 Gedge agrees that Solowka was almost like a part-time member of the band for a while but feels Charman flatters himself to consider there was any kind of parity between them in terms of power .
23 Not surprisingly she is said to have complained that Louis was more like a monk than a king .
24 Mr Rushdie also met federal parliamentarians in Ottawa , and although he was not granted time with the Canadian Prime Minister Brian Mulroney , he said that his reception by the External Affairs Minister Barbara McDougall encouraged him to believe that Canada was firmly behind the campaign to get the death sentence lifted .
25 The size and range of the country 's sex business may mean that Thailand is in for the world 's fastest upswing in HIV infection .
26 However , I can debate with anyone and at any stage that Gibson was right at the time for the Dams .
27 Knowing that Adam was probably in the elevator on his way to the beach , Buzz hurled herself out of the kitchen and ran upstairs .
28 Things have changed enormously , but it 's , so it took sometime for them to get to know that they , the French were at war with , the Prussians and the Austrians , and do n't forget that Strasbourg is only on the other side of the Rhine from Germany or whatever part of Germany er , it was at the time .
29 Now that Brian is back with The Stray Cats , bassman Bobby has teamed up with his producer brother Larson and has recorded a collection of rockin' tunes that 's fairly decent in a Dwight Yoakam sort of a way .
30 Veljko Kadijevic asserting that Yugoslavia was already in a state of civil war , the Defence Secretariat on May 6 placed the JNA in a full state of combat alert , ordered the Croatian government to stop its attacks against the army , and threatened to " settle accounts " with those who organized intra-national conflicts and set the people against the JNA .
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