Example sentences of "that [noun prp] [noun] be the first " in BNC.

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1 el-Kefevi ( followed by Ismail Belig ) adds the statement that Mehmed Sah was the first muderris at the Sultan medrese , which fact , if correct , would allow one to place Mehmed Sah 's appointment , and Fahreddin Acemi 's association with him , in the early 820s , since the available information indicates that it was then that the medrese was built .
2 It is also , perhaps , not without significance that Fahreddin Acemi is the first to be mentioned as receiving a salary specifically in respect of his function as Mufti , though it can not be shown beyond doubt that he was actually the first to have done so .
3 There is no doubt that Edward Lear was the first person to understand the art of lithography , and to use it to its fullest potential .
4 It is pointed out in Washington that the President made a special point of ensuring that Mr Major was the first European leader to meet him in the White House .
5 The first positive statement to this effect in the available sources is to be found in Mustakimzade , who not only places him first in his list but also states explicitly , on the authority of the historian " Aziz Efendi ( ? ) , that Molla Fenari was the first to hold the office of Mufti in the Ottoman state .
6 While the earliest sources give no clue to the date of Molla Fenari 's appointment to the Muftilik but simply state that he was Mufti , later Turkish tradition has asserted that the Muftilik was created in the time of Murad II ; and as it is almost universally held that Molla Fenari was the first Mufti , his appointment , if the tradition is to be believed , must have occurred after 824/1421 , the year of Murad II 's accession .
7 The February profile of Justin Bunn claimed that Shaun Baker was the first to descend the Falls of Llanberis .
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