Example sentences of "that [noun sg] was [prep] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Its sudden arrival on the scene must have been embarrassing for those who have been trying to deny that federalism was on the agenda .
2 I used to do all sorts of other jobs to keep going — I used to be so confident that work was round the corner that when I became a cellarman in a wine shop , I said to my family , ‘ Of course , I 'll only be here for a week or two , you know , ’ and a year later I was still there .
3 ‘ But she does n't know that divorce was in the wind , ’ Dougal said .
4 Mr Punshon said it should be remembered that membership was of the organisation not the club .
5 In 1850 neither St Petersburg nor Constantinople nor the western powers realized that war was on the horizon , but with hindsight it is possible to see that the battle-lines were drawn .
6 Pre-war trends suggest that revolution was on the cards , but they bear little resemblance to the ‘ law-governed ’ process depicted by Soviet historiography .
7 What became known as the Naythuyein Mass Meeting heard Aung San speak about the Burmese contribution to the Allied cause ; he saw Labour 's victory as a sign that imperialism was on the way out and he affirmed that ‘ 99 per cent of the PBF would be unwilling to serve in the fighting forces of a country that was not free ’ .
8 You know a miracle will not happen but you find yourself behaving as if it might : we canvassed , those weeks before the election , with a heady feeling that success was round the corner .
9 He told trades unionists that unemployment was at the heart of the problem .
10 It was moreover ‘ a proprietor that never died and never wasted ’ , so that property was on the people 's side .
11 Riding beside them , he explained that time was of the essence if their father 's instructions in respect of the protectorship were to be carried out .
12 He acknowledged there was a problem transporting the heavy , bulky equipment from Loughborough to Orkney and recognised that time was of the essence if the whales are to be saved .
13 The recent Cuban Missile Crisis had reminded everyone that earth was on the verge of extinction ; it was poised as precariously as Charsky .
14 The new strategic situation , Soviet space successes , the decolonisation process and ( until 1958–9 ) the apparently successful reintegration of the socialist camp after 1956 all contributed to a surge of optimism within the Soviet Union that socialism was in the ascendant .
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