Example sentences of "that [pers pn] 're go to [be] " in BNC.

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1 Look , do n't hold out too much hope that you 're going to be successful in this .
2 If you think that you 're going to be tired by playing so much , then you will be tired .
3 How nice that you 're going to be here .
4 they came up to you if there 's two women together they assume that they have the right to talk to you , that you 're going to be interested in them , and if you tell them to get lost however politely , you can get a very , very unpleasant response because they assume that what they have to say is more important !
5 It had been one of those deep , deep sleeps ; the kind when you do n't know a thing until your mum starts yelling at you for the umpteenth time that you 're going to be late for school if you do n't get up .
6 They tell us what 's been happening on the unit that we 're going to be working on , so that we know what 's been going on for the morning . ’
7 Any moment now he 's going to tell us that we 're going to be sacrificed , ’ said the Doctor .
8 I think , Chairman , if , if I may , is that we 're going to be enough , the agricultural buildings should be built first , but it should sited relatively close to them .
9 So some of the things that we 're going to be looking at this morning is ways for you to use , that the people working with you can come up with some new ideas , but you can also use these ways yourself , because sometimes you do n't have the luxury of people to help you with your problem .
10 it is n't an indication that they 're going to be applying for any other jobs that come up .
11 Actually , er , as a point , if you find a client who goes hand-gliding , who goes stock car racing , do n't always assume that they 're going to be rated , you just submit it to the underwriters , and they make their own decision .
12 It 's becoming sort of fairly topical erm where there , and it is , more perhaps related to the fear of crime than the actual crime itself , where , people are afraid to go out for fear that they 're going to be personally attacked , whether it be you know , answering the door at night in their own homes , or actually , you know , going to their cars .
13 It 's quite a nice little town , everybody knows everybody , and they do n't like to feel that they 're going to be outside of the sort of social circle that they move in , so it does have that effect in keeping them under control .
14 Now they also , in the wake of this knowledge is the er awareness that they 're going to be interrogated on this , and they 're also sitting up there thinking ‘ what are we going to say ? ’ and indeed that 's another reason for bringing this whole incident to an end , because in a sense they are cooking up alibis and covering their backs .
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