Example sentences of "that [pers pn] were [verb] [prep] a " in BNC.

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1 Eventually you will reach the point where you will wonder why one thumb appears to be getting tired and will look down to find that you were holding on a lot of stick trim without even being aware of it !
2 I also heard that you were selling to a surgeon from the hospital . ’
3 And then we come to the red shift , in fact , that you were talking about a minute ago .
4 It was only through my presence of mind that we were saved from a frightful scandal . ’
5 I just wanted to come back on er David Potter 's assertion that we were looking for a a higher allocation under I five and I I thought I 'd specifically covered that point by saying that that was n't what we were looking for because that would n't address the sort of development we 're talking about here .
6 Let me try to explain to the hon. Gentleman and his hon. Friend the Member for Oldham , West that we were faced with an undoubted campaign to swamp the arrangements for deciding such cases .
7 It was on a fishing expedition in late autumn a year or two ago that we were visited by a number of pomarine skuas , no doubt birds from northern Siberia which were making their way towards wintering quarters in the south Atlantic .
8 Will my right hon. Friend consider the remarks of the hon. Member for Caithness and Sutherland ( Mr. Maclennan ) , who suggested that we were moving towards a cross-border liberalisation and liberation ?
9 We were talking just last night about how the people here seem to love us , and I said , ‘ Well , I do n't really take that personally — more that we were connected with a happening . ’
10 My own suggestion that we were dealing with a whole nest of Mata Haris was declared plausible but incorrect while Team C , consisting of two middle-aged couples , produced two theories , the second of which named me as a potential mole !
11 And when I say I asked for more polenta , you will know that we were dealing with an intake situation of Road to Damascus proportions .
12 Well , I mean you may be right I ca n't be I 'm not I 'm not absolutely certain myself but er it would be nice to think that we were represented at a local authority level , yeah , by different cross-sections of our community .
13 Only gradually did my colleagues and I come to realise that we were reporting on a social phenomenon — an aberration triggered by fear of being left behind in a pay race , aggravated by mounting greed and , finally , sustained by sheer bolshieness .
14 Nevertheless , we felt we were missing something , that we were excluded from a wider world . ’
15 NSS , in common with virtually every other publication in the country , got its fingers burnt last week as a result of giving too much credence to the pollsters ' consistent message that we were heading for a hung parliament .
16 And the good news was that we were told of a live album for release early next year that should capture the music more honestly than either of his two studio outings have managed to do so far .
17 Basically this calls for an identification of present requirements and an assessment of likely requirements over the next 5 years , subject to review/upgrading in year 6 ; it may be that our letter conveyed the impression that we were asking for a ‘ 12-year plan ’ , this is not the case .
18 ‘ There was a feeling of disappointment that we were held to a draw in Bruges and the atmosphere in the dressing room at the Olympiastadion only lifted after we heard that Marseille had suffered the same result against CSKA , ’ said McCall .
19 Yes , I 'd argue that it does make a difference , because we are announcing the fact that er we are coming along to possibly alert somebody er that we were coming into a building and then hence we encounter even more problems .
20 Now I do not actually recall er us going into detail about the harbouring er and I certainly do n't recall erm that we were talking about a hostage situation .
21 You should be prepared for the fact that some of her views and opinions will be rather different from your own , remembering that they were formed in an entirely different social climate .
22 They told reporters that they were protesting at a police attack on the demonstrators at the Guildhall .
23 Firstly , we have to recognise that they were lending in a market which was being actively encouraged .
24 He says of the liberals that they were placed in a predicament by the fall : ‘ A democracy can not be imposed by force , the majority must favour it , yet the majority wanted what Khomeini wanted — an Islamic republic . ’
25 On March 20 the Indian authorities rejected Pakistani government charges of human rights violations , claiming that they were based on a " terrorist disinformation campaign " ; the most dramatic allegation related to the mass rape on Feb. 23 of 30-60 women and girls when 800 troops of the 4th Rajput Rifles had sealed off the village of Kunan Poshpura .
26 ( The curious names of Svalocin and Rotanev are due to the fact that they were christened by an otherwise obscure astronomer named Nicolaus Venator ! )
27 Morley denied that they were intended as a prelude to parliamentary government .
28 This reflected the nature of the environment , the local pride of the individual Australian colonies , and the awareness of the railway builders and architects that they were building for a grander , though then unrealized , future .
29 Girls from the upper classes were brought up to believe ‘ that they were born with a prescriptive right to their social advantages , their graceful culture ’ Hopkins stands very much as representative of the new-style purity feminist .
30 The relevant circumstances are set out in s1(2) of that Act which states : ( 2 ) The circumstances referred to in the preceding subsection [ the extinguishment of any right of the sender to the goods ] are that the goods were sent to the recipient with a view to his acquiring them , that the recipient has no reasonable cause to believe that they were sent with a view to their being acquired for the purposes of a trade or business and has neither agreed to acquire nor agreed to return them , and either ( a ) that during the period of six months beginning with the day on which the recipient received the goods the sender did not take possession of them and the recipient did not unreasonably refuse to permit the sender to do so ; or ( b ) that not less than thirty days before the expiration of the period aforesaid the recipient gave notice to the sender in accordance with the following sub-section , and that during the period of thirty days beginning with the day on which the notice was given the sender did not take possession of the goods and the recipient did not unreasonably refuse to permit the sender to do so .
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