Example sentences of "that [pers pn] be [noun] who [was/were] " in BNC.

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1 I had to wheedle the information out of him , but Capron said he was the senior case officer on the investigation into Mills , and could confirm absolutely that it was Mills who was the Soviet agent who had betrayed my father .
2 This account too contains some blunders , for it is likely that it was Æthelstan who was killed in battle , at Sherston , and that Edmund brought the relief , but when Thietmar wrote Britannis he was not thinking of Englishmen , whom he always describes as Angli .
3 On Monday , the jury at Mold Crown Court , was told by Burgess that it was McLean who was responsible for the attack , kicking and stamping on her .
4 All the way from the Lock she had told herself that it was Gazzer who was lying .
5 For reasons which baffle me , the referee thought that it was Gimbert who was pulling down the scrum .
6 She found herself walking along the road saying ‘ I 'll talk it all over with Alan when I get in — he 'll know what to do ’ , only to remember that it was Alan who was the cause of the heartache .
7 Both Gimbert and Lascubé argued that it was Griffiths who was responsible for the collapsed scrums , but obviously Gimbert 's inexperience played a part in his inability to work out a solution .
8 Then he remembered that it was Volkov who was being unfaithful .
9 ‘ It seems to me , ’ murmurs Rainbow , ‘ that it was Gittel who was neither one thing or the other .
10 Even if it is true that God has guided someone into a particular religion , there is no reason why the sociologist can not study the social processes involved in the person 's conversion ; and , conversely , even if it is not true that it was God who was responsible , that does not mean that the sociologist can not study the belief and the ( possibly very considerable ) consequences of that belief for the individual concerned and for society .
11 They reinstated the waltz with Gesner and it was observed that it was Therese who was the light , lithe dancer , whirling around the stage , pulling Gesner with her , making him dance in spite of himself .
12 It was an odd thing , mused Doctor Lovell , that it was Ella who was the artistic one of the pair .
13 But Carol Wilson believed that it was Branson who was ‘ stalling ’ over giving her any control in the company .
14 We decided , therefore , that it was pupils who were absent without authorisation or explanation from parents who would be defined as truants .
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