Example sentences of "that [pers pn] [vb past] leave the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 I believe now the driver — I did n't see who it was — was checking that I had left the pub .
2 Now that I had left the college dormitory I used to look fearfully from rime to time out of my window , expecting to see that gang of fascist students coming to beat me up .
3 Diana admitted to Penny that she could n't bear the pressure of her position any longer and that she had to leave the system .
4 Gabriel did not see Bathsheba again and two days later he heard that she had left the area , and was now in Weatherbury , a village twenty miles away .
5 It was some while afterwards when Rose realised that she had left the canvas bag with the maroon dress and necklace behind at the studio .
6 His report that she had left the island , and had not been seen or heard of since , went into the computer bank with hundreds of similar reports and remained on file .
7 forgetting that they 'd left the heating off .
8 Next day , Margaret went down to Midhurst to inform Miss Scrimgeour that they proposed to leave the country .
9 Though serial numbers were issued to the Joyces , the identity books were not , since the family protested that it intended to leave the country for the United States in a few more days .
10 She 'd heard since that he 'd left the health service and gone abroad to work … and now not only was he back , but she was expected to work with him .
11 Now er w w with every respect , to say that he survived it is something of a crass statement , because I remember reading about him thinking is n't this country getting good that we can have a black guardsman , and I remember my own disappointment when I read that he had to leave the regiment .
12 Snell hung up on the woman , but minutes later stunned listeners heard a security guard at Liverpool 's Radio City station telling Snell that he had to leave the studio .
13 Whichever way , she probably had n't given it much thought at the time and it had been some time later when her mother had told her that he had left the country and gone abroad to work .
14 Anyone who has practised at the Bar knows well that , in the sort of case that arises on an estate , where a number of people are involved , intimidation is such that it may prove impossible for a young man to find witnesses to say that he had left the scene of the crime and that another person was guilty of aggravated theft .
15 When interviewed later , 24-year-old Mr. Thurgood denied that he had left the pub during the evening and denied knowledge of the incident .
16 She waited all day for the Kurd to return , but he failed to do so ; and when she made enquiries the next morning she was told that he had left the town within minutes of conducting her to the priest 's house .
17 At that stage the airman suddenly realised that he had left the carving and " Jane 's " pants in the caravan .
18 Peter Walker , the Secretary of State for Wales , confirmed on March 4 that he intended to leave the government at a future point in order to be able to spend more time with his family ; it was subsequently announced on March 14 that he would be succeeded in late May by David Hunt , currently Minister for Local Government and Inner Cities , who would enter the Cabinet for the first time .
19 Jack was puzzled at Johnnie 's sudden change in behaviour and although initially he reasoned that his colleague must be troubled with a domestic problem , he could not forget Johnnie 's parting words that he intended to leave the box for good .
20 Shaun confessed to me loads of times that he wanted to leave the band because it was n't a good living and he did n't enjoy it that much .
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