Example sentences of "that [pers pn] [coord] [pron] have [verb] " in BNC.

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1 There was no evidence in the present case that L 's girlfriend had taken delivery of the goods or that she or anyone had had instructions from L to take the goods , and L was not the only adult living there .
2 The writer means that she or he has discussed the poem 's meaning , but the sentence literally says that the next stanza discusses the poem 's beginning ( an unintended meaning ) .
3 I told her of the dead snake that you and she had found once , and which had been your special secret .
4 All Penny Seu Chen could tell me when I returned on Friday evening to find you gone was that you and he had flown to Hualien for the weekend . ’
5 thinking that you and he 's got
6 My dear , I thought that you and I had become — friends ? ’
7 It 's not just an event in history two thousand years ago , something that happened way back i in a back water of the Roman empire , that 's not the really important issue for you and for me today it 's , the important thing is that you and I have to stand in that same place that Pilate stood and we have to make that same decision , what will I do then with Jesus that is called the Christ ?
8 That 's what Ruth the relationship that Ruth enters into with Boaz and that 's the relationship that you and I have entered into with Jesus Christ he is our kinsman redeemer and he 's rescued us he 's taken us .
9 Decisions are made decisions are made erm there that we and we have to live with the consequences of them .
10 But I would not be true to myself if I did not record my own thanks to all who serve on the Board for their hard and devoted work and at this time , to take a moment to thank the retiring vice convenor Bill for his work , his prayers , his support , his wisdom and his fellowship over the many years that he and I have served together .
11 At this , and most of the many other meetings that he and I have had with African leaders , progress towards democracy and good governance has been discussed .
12 He will recall that dealing with NIE and trying to bring electricity to Rathlin was not one of the easiest tasks that he or I had to undertake .
13 The group reflect what they see of the sufferer 's assets and defects ( never defects alone ) and he or she is helped towards the recognition that his or her previous life truly had become unmanageable and that he or she had tried desperately to control everything but was finally having to admit defeat and accept powerlessness .
14 One of the great arguments for sentencing within the community is the opportunity that it ought to give the offender to make restitution in some way for the damage or hurt that he or she has caused .
15 When you initially approach an Alexander teacher , make sure that he or she has undergone a teachers ' training course that is recommended by The Society of Alexander Teachers ( STAT ) .
16 If a friend or colleague whose opinions you respect tells you that he or she has received beneficial treatment from a particular hypnotherapist , perhaps that is the one for you to consult .
17 The question for the courts in these cases is whether the third party can escape from the effect of the documents that he or she has signed .
18 Once the reader has grasped that there are different kinds of reading ( appropriate to different kinds of texts and different purposes ) , that reading must be undertaken actively and critically , and that he or she has to interact in a personal way with the text , then the reader is becoming proficient .
19 The cashier should give a receipt to the receptionist that he or she has taken charge of the money .
20 To the availability-for-work test has been added the actively-seeking-work test in which the unemployed person has to demonstrate and provide evidence that he or she has taken all necessary steps to obtain employment .
21 The athlete knows that he or she has failed .
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