Example sentences of "that [pers pn] [vb mod] [vb infin] no [adj] " in BNC.

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No Sentence
1 The effect of that would be that I would receive no further written representations after that time .
2 As this matter will be central to the proceedings in the House of Lords , the House will recognise that I can say no more about it .
3 I welcome the Secretary of State 's intention to fill in the student gap , but I am bound to say that I can see no logical reason for attempting to collect the 20 per cent .
4 Overpowered by an intense sentiment of horror , unaccountable yet unendurable , I threw on my clothes with haste ( for I felt that I should sleep no more during the night ) , and endeavoured to arouse myself from the pitiable condition into which I had fallen , by pacing rapidly to and fro through the apartment .
5 To the watching girl it became increasingly obvious that she could expect no more help .
6 This means that you will pay no more than you would on a normal low cost endowment but get a larger lump sum surplus at the end of the mortgage term .
7 One problem is that we may have no clear criterion for dividing up the workforce into classes and strata .
8 ‘ We hereby solemnly declare that we shall use no forcible means to apprehend , confine , or imprison any person assistant whatever who has appeared at Castle Menzies or elsewhere , or in any part of Perth on prior days .
9 Mounds of dirt , rock and sand — little hills engulfed by dunes — blocked our view so that we could see no more than half a mile in any direction .
10 This strategy implies that we should have no preconceived ideas about the research we should support and that we should concentrate on deriving the criteria against which we should assess proposals which , on the balance of probabilities might stand the best chance of success .
11 Our building industry is in such a bad state that we will have no trained workers to build the stadiums and villages by then .
12 So I think we may have to take this as part of the council meeting when we get a report back , cos obviously , there 's a degree of urgency in whatever we do about this , but I can suggest that we can do no more than report back to the next council meeting that we 've discussed this , and that it is in solicitor 's hands .
13 The truth is , surely , that we can form no reasonable conception of anything called education existing on its own with the kind of value we may like to ascribe to education in the real world .
14 It follows that we can form no clear notion of spatial or temporal order among existents with uncompleted life-cycles ; and this , in reality , means not at all .
15 This time the terms imposed upon him and his followers were much more humiliating : they had to ‘ give such surety as it shall please to our lord the king ’ that they would make no further trouble .
16 If he or she still insists on following you around , make it clear that they can come no closer .
17 The Panel added that it would take no further action in either case .
18 The government thereupon declared that it would allow no more food into rebel-held areas , and the UN was forced to suspend operations .
19 " The principle behind substitution is that it should carry no environmental penalty , " he said .
20 In some cases the committee decides that it can see no immediate implications for the firm 's continued registration .
21 Counsel for the prosecution then stated that he would offer no further evidence .
22 Whilst the record companies sat on their hands , nervous of another quadraphonic-style fiasco , Karajan announced after seeing the new technology as a working prototype that he would make no new recordings and sign no new contracts with any company that was not committed to digital recording and the earliest possible launch of the compact disc .
23 Almost immediately Philip , realising what an opportunity such an appeal for help gave him , declared that he would make no lasting settlement with England unless the Scots were included in it .
24 I hoped , as we said goodbye , that he would suffer no psychological ill-effects from the deception , and that my exposure of it would not impair his relationship with his mother .
25 She looked into his eyes , into their endless blackness , seeking silent reassurance that he would inflict no more pain .
26 Leopold realized that he would have no further influence over his son 's career .
27 In the second-half he appeared to be on a mental walkabout , at one point kicking direct into touch from a free-kick , forgetting that he would get no territorial gain .
28 De Gaulle 's letters in the months before his return stressed that he would take no further initiatives until the French people had demonstrated their disgust with the existing regime and their desire for a radical change .
29 My father did , in any case , rapidly discover a way to circumvent the limitations on his effectiveness implied by the stricture that he should carry no laden trays .
30 It became the mark of the true revolutionary that he should allow no personal feeling , no moral scruple to soften his commitment to revolutionary ideology .
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