Example sentences of "that [pers pn] [modal v] be [verb] [noun prp] " in BNC.

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1 Knowing that I would be visiting Australia on a project which did not actually take me to Sydney , yet sensing the need for images for general library use , I talked the matter over with my agent .
2 Knowing that I would be visiting Australia on a project which did not actually take me to Sydney , yet sensing the need for images for general library use .
3 So as they continued on through the trees to the fort at Ballingolin , with the blackbirds chittering and the smoke from turf fires coming from the farmhouse inside the castle walls , Gerald Hussey broke the news to his daughter that she would be leaving Ireland .
4 At this Maria Candida , who had been listening on the stairs , let out a wail of joy at the thought that she would be seeing Portugal again ; Leonora went to embrace her daughter and whisper her blessings , while Gerald , who knew when he was beaten and was never any good in emotional situations , announced that he had important business in the castle yard , and would return as soon as he had attended to it .
5 It did n't bother him in the least that she might be missing Arnie .
6 While the Poles appreciated German fears about the threat posed to Central Europe by a rise of Soviet power they did not see that they would be serving Poland 's interests by agreeing to Hitler 's demands .
7 More than half the 100 exhibitors have indicated that they will be using Rooftec for the launch of new or updated products , and these will be short-listed for the Federation 's coveted ‘ Ken Soulsby Innovation Award . ’
8 The Jones boys were busy preparing themselves for a whistle-stop tour of Texas , fuelled by the news from their American promoters that they 'd be playing Dallas and Houston the same nights as GENESIS , and that they were out-selling PHIL ‘ Two Houses ’ COLLINS and his Tory mates by three tickets to one .
9 The government now denied that it was granted the terms it received under the Large Combustion Plant Directive on the basis that it would be fitting FGD so it could continue to burn high-sulphur coal .
10 This would be a counterblast to the growing propaganda of the Left , not only in Oxford but outside — in fact , I suggested that it should be called Counterblast , with Wyndham Lewis 's ‘ puce monster ’ , Blast , in mind — but we were as anxious to dissociate ourselves from the Right .
11 In the UK , Wyse Technology Ltd says that it will be offering Microsoft Corp 's Windows NT operating system on a three-CPU Series 7000i/NT Intel Corp 80486-based machine , with 420Mb disk , priced at £15,100 .
12 Roman was never far from her thoughts , and the knowledge that he would be meeting Dana in Paris after the show was very bitter .
13 As always at this time of year , there have been some notable changes on the coaching front , with Pavel Slozil switching from being with Steffi Graf to Jennifer Capriati , Pete Sampras once again breaking from Jo Brandi and then Stanley Franker , the man credit with transforming Dutch tennis , announcing first that he would be leaving Holland to work again in Austria , and then changing his mind in the light of a new and improved offer from the Dutch Tennis Federation , who , given that country 's recent success ( 3 men in the top 40 ) , were naturally unhappy about his impending departure .
14 The Director of Personnel responsible for the personal affairs of overseas executives rang Mark from Detroit to say that compensation terms had now been worked out , and that he would be visiting England the following week to discuss the subject with him .
15 Lord Simon of Glaisdale has written : ‘ In 1951 Sir Winston [ Churchill ] particularly wanted [ Sir Walter Monckton ] in the unenviable post of Minister of Labour , and ( presumably by way of compensation ) undertook in writing that he should be appointed Lord Chief Justice on the next vacancy . ’
16 He had then sought to usurp him by demanding an EC inquiry into French 's affairs and by getting himself , though contrary to Rule as a non-sailor , elected as Delegate to the 1911 Annual General Meeting with a demand that he should be made Glasgow secretary in French 's place , only breaking away when he was not permitted to attend .
17 Convinced for some reason that he must be called Paul , I addressed him as such .
18 REPUBLIC of Ireland midfield star Roy Keane was set to announce today that he will be joining Blackburn in time for the start of the new Premier League season .
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