Example sentences of "that [pers pn] [modal v] [verb] it [prep] " in BNC.

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1 OK , I knew I was better than anyone in my school , but it never occurred to me that I might do it as a profession . ’
2 As I screwed up my eyes against the dazzle , trying to see the creature so that I might describe it to Crispin , it vanished .
3 That does not mean that I would discard it as an instrument of statutory interpretation even were I empowered to do so .
4 Even if it landed on time , I would have the four-hour journey to Hull and it was unlikely that I would make it to the funeral .
5 She has always had this dream that I would make it to university and she will be devastated if I do n't continue , but the way I am feeling now , I do n't want to .
6 Quite clearly , to the shame of local and central government , the homelessness crisis has been allowed to get to such a level that I would describe it as a national disgrace . ’
7 ‘ As your agent , I should advise you against it — my cut will be so minute that I 'll lose it through a hole in my pocket .
8 Are you not afraid , my lord , that I shall use it upon my own occasions ? which may not always be yours ?
9 Indeed it was one of the most shocking stories of police corruption and legal incompetence I had ever read , and believing that I had the ability to rectify it , I decided , whatever my other commitments , that I must bring it to public notice as soon as possible .
10 I mean they 're the ones who are badgering me for , for qualifications , they 're badgering me for , I , I , I just told them straight that I will do it for them because I , I wo n't get paid for it
11 I should be grateful for a prompt reply so that I can present it to the Parish Council at their next meeting on 27th August .
12 The main thing is that I can do it through official channels .
13 ‘ The closest thing that I can compare it to is the film .
14 I always find it a difficult binocular object ; I can just see it with × 20 , but I am not confident that I can identify it with a lower magnification .
15 Erm , I 'm perfectly comfortable that any bit of my fingernail is completely accidental to me , that I can lose it without losing my arm , but the finger is rather stronger .
16 When a kestrel I was looking after died recently , I put it in the freezer so that I can use it for ‘ spares ’ if necessary .
17 that I can understand it in his own language ;
18 It is a wide double ; the companion is of magnitude 4.8 , and the separation 41 seconds of arc , so that I can see it with × 20 .
19 They 've all got a vision about their listeners , their viewers , their readers and so forth , and when they pick something , a press release , or when they hear a story or something like that , their mind 's going click click click ‘ How can I use this in a way that I can turn it into a form which is usable for my people ? ’ in a sense .
20 One o'clock — after lunch my mother shows me how to make a cake so that I can have it for tea .
21 I don ‘ t think that I could do it with anyone whose bones stuck out .
22 I did n't realise that I could enjoy it for myself , not just for him .
23 From a letter written so that I could read it to Basil before he came home from hospital :
24 We are working to achieve an agreement at Maastricht in December , but it must be an agreement that I could make in the confident expectation that I could commend it to the House .
25 It came to something like 60 hours and I decided that I could share it between two people .
26 ‘ I 've been told by my superiors that I could use it in the same way that I would to prosecute anyone found mistreating a dog .
27 That 's why she would sometimes sign the order over to me so that I could put it through my account — otherwise she had to queue up at the post office , as I said . ’
28 And having noticed that there is nothing whatever in this ‘ I think , therefore I am ’ which assures me that I say the truth , other than that I see very clearly [ je vois très clairement ] that to think it is necessary to be , I judged that I could take it as a general rule that the things which we conceive very clearly and very distinctly [ que nous concevons fort clairement et fort distinctement ] are all true …
29 ‘ Are you suggesting that I should do it for you ? ’ she queried sweetly .
30 They said that I should return it in its box , with the receipt .
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