Example sentences of "that [pers pn] [modal v] [verb] [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Another name can be crossed firmly off the IBM Corp list : John Sculley , chairman of Apple Computer Inc has now gone on the record saying ‘ I would like to respond to the persistent rumours that I might leave Apple and go to IBM — I have told Apple 's board of directors and our executive management team that I am not available or interested in being chief executive of IBM ; I believe Apple has a tremendous opportunity to be extremely successful in the years ahead , and Apple will be the most important innovator and leader in the industry ; 10 years ago this April I signed up to do a job , and there is still a lot that I would like to accomplish with all of us ; ‘ I hope this statement will put to rest the speculation that I might go to IBM , and also serve as a clear message of the confidence that I have in Apple , ’ he declared .
2 Another name can be crossed firmly off the IBM Corp list : John Sculley , chairman of Apple Computer Inc has now gone on the record saying ‘ I would like to respond to the persistent rumours that I might leave Apple and go to IBM — I have told Apple 's board of directors and our executive management team that I am not available or interested in being chief executive of IBM ; I believe Apple has a tremendous opportunity to be extremely successful in the years ahead , and Apple will be the most important innovator and leader in the industry ; 10 years ago this April I signed up to do a job , and there is still a lot that I would like to accomplish with all of us ; I hope this statement will put to rest the speculation that I might go to IBM , and also serve as a clear message of the confidence that I have in Apple , ’ he declared .
3 " My mother thinks that I might fall in love . "
4 ‘ What I had n't considered , ’ he said softly , ‘ what had never occurred to me , was that I might fall in love with you . ’
5 ‘ I always thought that I might get into meteorology later , but of course you never do , ’ says Alison without too much regret .
6 ‘ Then , then I think — I think that I might burst into flames . ’
7 It had been arranged that I would remain in Johannesburg and Max would proceed ahead to Salisbury to see whether Ian Smith would wish to see me .
8 That day I made a vow to myself that I would return to Athens and run better .
9 I told him that I could not go on behalf of any party , but that I would go on behalf of the government if he came to power , since I knew the situation and could be of some help .
10 I am afraid , rather weakly , I said that I would speak to Max .
11 It was at moments like this that I would reflect on concepts like the ‘ community ’ of work and how lost one can be without it .
12 I also wore my own garments with pride and let it be known that I would knit for others if they wished .
13 I think the thing that I would say to parents : ‘ You may be anxious , you may be concerned .
14 Oh " my Lord , I toil too much I go out at break of day , driving oxen to the field , and I yoke them to the plough , there is no winter so sharp that I dare keep at home , for fear of my Master , but having yoked my oxen and fastened my share and coulter I am bound to plough every day a full acre .
15 I repeat that I shall bear in mind the hon. Gentleman 's remarks before we make our allocations .
16 Of course , by then I was completely on my own and the doctor told me that I must go into hospital this time at Northallerton .
17 Today is for happiness only , and yet I find that I must think of Sarah .
18 ‘ Yes , so remote , that I must live with friends wherever I am — Rome , Naples , even here , in Florence . ’
19 Every separatist movement in Europe that I can think of bases itself on ‘ ethnicity ’ , linguistic or not , that is to say on the assumption that ‘ we ’ — the Basques , Catalans , Scots , Croats , or Georgians are a different people from the Spaniards , the English , the Serbs or the Russians , and therefore we should not live in the same state with them .
20 One of the longest that I can think of spans a lake .
21 I think to myself that I can serve in opposition , make my case and perhaps win the next election , so I accept the result .
22 Now I am up to something like State 4 ( ‘ Raises dust and loose paper ’ ) , according to the only reference to the original scale that I can find in Registry , or perhaps 5 ( ‘ Small trees in leaf begin to sway ’ ) it seems to me that States 4 and 5 is where I mostly am .
23 ‘ There is no doubt in my mind that I can work with Sir John Hall and the board of directors who , along with everyone else at the club , have been under tremendous pressure because of the club 's present financial position . ’
24 If you are a Duannian , or know anyone else who is , please write to me , so that I can communicate in time for Reunion 1991 .
25 ‘ Well , Maisie 's father wants us to live up yonder , so that I can get into t'road of running t'farm .
26 That is not a matter that I can take into consideration other than to say that I am satisfied that the proper figure for a multiplier for working life , er which I shall take in this case , is the multiplier of sixteen contended for by Mr .
27 Well it would be something , it would be a bit of paper that say that I can look after children under five , I could go and run a play group or do whatever and earn some money
28 She explained that I could stay at Heenan House until I could find somewhere suitable to live .
29 I never really appreciated the full meaning of the word ‘ vision ’ , until the day that I had felt so powerless to change the cruel reality facing my children and people in my community in Glasgow , that I started to wish with all my heart that I could go to sleep and never wake up again .
30 I 'd be a complete idiot if I thought that I could go through life and not bounce into the occasional person who did n't have my welfare at heart , and I 'm no idiot .
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