Example sentences of "that [pers pn] [modal v] [to-vb] [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Stepping carefully over the gutter , Gonzalo remarked that I ought to wear a coat like he did .
2 In 1980 , coming back from a hospital in the States where I had been told that I ought to have an operation ( interestingly on my throat — it was as though all the tension caused by what I could not say was caught up there ) , I saw that I had to be free of this .
3 Three years ago , when the establishment of a museum of modern art in Moscow was being considered , I did all that I could to welcome the idea .
4 But the highlight of it was that I used to get a ride on the dray and I used he he we used to finish up the round at the bottom of erm Road , and Street .
5 Experimentation was the method that I used to learn the carve gybe .
6 There is no space to detail further the model that I used to pursue the problem that I had set myself .
7 Rose , now 66 , explained that she used to visit the doctor regularly as her thighs would continually rub against each other and actually bleed because they were so big .
8 And you told me that she used to use a crochet hook .
9 It was that money that she used to pay the mortgage .
10 I mean was this er a possibility that you ought to have a pizza
11 Do all that you can to make the examiner 's task easier — not only by setting out your answers neatly but by identifying each answer clearly .
12 Er as far as out-sourcing is concerned , when we learned that there could be two thousand jobs lost or out-sourced from British Aerospace , it was my opinion in line with those of our representatives that we ought to convene a meeting immediately of all shop stewards and representatives who would be covered er through those discussions and arrange and organize a strategy to oppose it .
13 Er er it seems that the Council have known about this for six months er and it 's only within the last week or two er that information has got out so it seems to me that that 's something that er that we ought to take an interest in .
14 It was insisted , that we ought to show the cause in the return , to bring it within the statutes .
15 The notion of justice which I find most convincing is that which tells us that we ought to seek a society in which each person is accepted as of equal moral worth and has equal opportunity to enjoy an equal share of the total sum of society 's goods .
16 But bef before we start issuing that we ought to get the members of this this group here to agree what the objectives are .
17 You would have thought that the natural reaction of the teacher would have been that we ought to contact the father — better him than the nutty grandmother .
18 I said that we ought to er somebody asked me er from one of the national papers which ought to be put in place there and I did suggest that we ought to have a statue like just been mentioned to somebody from Beeston they 've got a nice man on a bench there .
19 Diamond has a density of about 3.5 grams per c.c. , polyethylene about 0.92 ; when we have made all the necessary corrections however we find that we ought to expect an E of about 10 x 10 6 p.s.i .
20 It was worth all the hard work that we had put into it because it got that we used to use the town park towards the latter part of Barnardos day and all the men that we had gathered together used to have to erect every piece of fence to enclose like it is now , the park , is enclosed now with with fencing the men that were helping us did that all voluntarily !
21 communication yes , so that we used to have the difficulty , and we used to rely on the odd person , railway people , drivers and their guards , they used to be knocked up during the night for early duty , by call boys , we used to make use of them if we wanted a message sent anywhere .
22 And on the top of that we used to keep a sink-bath .
23 This is a playground game that we used to play a lot when I was young .
24 We shall continue to do all that we can to resolve the problem .
25 We should be doing all that we can to promote the revival of singing , and we should encourage rather than stifle the musical creativity of those who write and perform .
26 Great praise has been given to Mr. Baker , the United States Secretary of State , for arranging that conference and so fulfilling the commitment that he gave at the time of the Gulf war , when he said that he and President Bush would do all that they could to bring the parties to the negotiating table .
27 I assure him that the Government will do all that they can to resist the imposition of such measures on this country .
28 He may overcome the illness altogether but , even if this is not the case , he will certainly be able to make the most of his life and develop that special peace of mind which comes to those who are aware that they are doing all that they can to control the direction of their evolvement .
29 You seem to be sort of trying to encourage a guilt complex by this , this idea put forward by the conservatives , which is not the case , people should not feel guilty in trying to do the benefit that they can to benefit the people of Wiltshire .
30 We could have gone back to the where we started and then we only paid a couple of hundred pounds a year for the land that they used to keep the grass cut and everything but the problem was really the area .
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