Example sentences of "that [pers pn] [verb] n't have [adj] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ It 's just … it 's just … that I do n't have many friends and I do feel sort of isolated , I s'pose — ’ I pulled up short , I was trespassing on forbidden ground , getting close to revealing more than I should .
2 Have you persuaded my family that I do n't have two heads and a forked tail ? ’ she cried , trying to joke .
3 ALTHOUGH I promised you last week that I 'd bring details of the all Ireland Schools teams competition this week , I 'm afraid that I do n't have full details to hand as yet , so I 'll hold it over to next week .
4 ALTHOUGH I promised you last week that I 'd bring details of the all Ireland Schools teams competition this week , I 'm afraid that I do n't have full details to hand as yet , so I 'll hold it over to next week .
5 ‘ I just do n't think you should have told them that I do n't have any confidence with women . ’
6 I have a reputation for honesty and fair trading — and it 's well known that I do n't have any truck with shady deals , ’ she informed him bluntly .
7 I figured that I did n't have much of a chance to be the best player in the US , the country being so big .
8 It is probably all to the good that I did n't have this book with me , since the ready availability of a thick volume containing every registration number ever carried by every aeroplane currently registered or based in the United Kingdom could only have prompted further unanswerable questions as to why anyone could therefore need to write them down .
9 I did n't belong to a union , I did n't know anything about my rights then , and I know now that I did n't have any in that particular case …
10 ‘ The difference against Wales was that I did n't have any really long kicks , ’ he replied .
11 My mum wrote back and said that she did n't have that kind of money .
12 ‘ It 's just that she did n't have any life . ’
13 An environmental change can ease this : it is much easier to say that you do n't have any sweets in the house than to say ‘ no ’ to a child who knows that they are in the cupboard .
14 If you ca n't do all this , the probability is that you do n't have any talented people around ( in which case there 's no way you 'll be successful and profitable tomorrow ) .
15 Even so I am surprised that you do n't have enough memory left to run your wordprocessor 's configuration program .
16 ‘ You as much as told me , the other night , that you did n't have any experience . ’
17 ‘ What a shame for us both that you did n't have more willpower , ’ Jessamy said bitterly .
18 Just thank our lucky stars that we do n't have such problems here in England ! ! ! ! ! !
19 Perhaps it 's just that we do n't have enough of those long , thin granite cracks .
20 Er , one of the paradoxes of the modern era as er , pointed out by Tom Peters , not by me , one of the few things I do not claim original thought on , erm , is , is that it 's not that we , people think that we do n't have enough information at our fingertips and are constantly striving to gather more and more , the opposite is actually true .
21 And the Horton I think will stand to benefit as much as any hospital , by the proposed N H S reforms in insuring that er money follows the patients , and that we do n't have these sorts of situations arising again , whereby when hospitals treat more patients they simply run out of money more quickly .
22 Except that we do n't have any cobwebs . ’
23 And th on the cherish you and whatever else and th erm , I mean we 've already got a situation where we 've got erm through Peter and David , the other two , I mean we 've got erm erm two or three breweries who are quite willing to erm to give us quite a substantial amount of money not as loans , as write-offs against barrelage erm which means that we do n't have any repayments to make etcetera .
24 I think this was due to the fact that we did n't have 9-to-5 jobs and we were entertainers and could n't possibly manage the £7 a week rent .
25 It 's a pity in a way that we did n't have this discussion before , because I do think it 's important and I think parties these days , goodness knows what we 're matching is to , should be a bit and they want more , sort of less than putting in less fifty percent .
26 It seems that we now have serial correlation in our model as a result of including the dummy right , now we 've got to test statistic , I mean always look at the F version of the test , right , er our F statistic of three point seven six is significantly different from zero , right , that leaves seven percent level , so a five percent test we probably accept that we did n't have any serial correlations and we just got there by the skin of our teeth on that particular test erm yes , you could probably get away with this one , functional forms fine , no problem there , hetero skilasticity right , are F statistic three point nine but significantly different from zero that 's six percent level , right , so again we just scrape it if we were looking at the ninety five percent confidence it wants to be five percent if you are using as five percent significance level .
27 And I would like to say at this point I was very disappointed that we did n't have any other conservatives with us in the afternoon .
28 We then found that we did n't have enough cash to pay the landing fees , and in response I offered Portuguese escudos , converting at the rate in the newspaper .
29 The Board of Guardians replied that they did n't have any isolation hospital and were unable to accept liability .
30 But anyway , they allowed this that they did n't have any further use for it that I could have it .
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