Example sentences of "that [pers pn] [verb] [noun prp] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 When I say that I saw Karen at the funeral , I mean that quite literally .
2 It was the day she made up her mind that she met Andrew on the Moor .
3 For it is now certain that she left Shrewsbury on the cart that was returning with gifts from the devout to our needy and afflicted abbey .
4 In this room , the marshal was the only one who gave any indication that she valued Susan above the worth of her Public Service .
5 He was certainly very keen that we have John in the band .
6 This time , the crew were in such high spirits that they dropped Nickles over the heart of Berlin , spirits that were somewhat subdued when it was realised that they could not close the bomb bay doors after combing .
7 Most Muslims and Croats in Bosnia believe the Yugoslav army , whose officer corps is now almost completely Serbian , is helping Serbs to capture territory in the republic in much the same way that they backed Serbs in the Croatian civil war .
8 Statements by the Iranian government made it clear that it saw ECO as the basis for a future Islamic common market which might ultimately embrace some 300 million people — a quarter of all Muslims — and rival the European Communities in importance .
9 Mayer was never fond of Goldwyn and one day became so enraged with him in the showers of the Hillcrest Country Club that he knocked Goldwyn into the towel cabinet .
10 George O K I 've said that he represents America in the Cold War , merely because of his name , but there 's actually more to it than that because he erm , he believes in history and in the past and his values are very old fashioned .
11 One distinguished scientist was so indignantly incredulous that he seized Galambos by the shoulders and shook him while complaining that we could not possibly mean such an outrageous suggestion .
12 It was there that he rode Evichstar in the Lincoln Handicap in 1990 — and notched his first big race victory .
13 Brutus had said that he killed Caesar for the general good but Antony is now saying that he did n't know why they killed him , otherwise he saying that it was n't for the general good .
14 ‘ I have put my Spirit upon him ; he will bring forth justice to the nations ’ says God through the prophet And now the Spirit had come , and Mark 's account of the baptism makes it abundantly clear that he sees Jesus as the Messianic Son and the Suffering Servant , equipped or his … stupendous task with the Spirit of God promised for the end-time .
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