Example sentences of "that [pers pn] [verb] [pers pn] [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Charles , her husband , jokes all the time about what I 'm wearing , insists that I join them for formal dinners late at night , and then teases me throughout them because I 've never eaten squid before , and I do n't know what haggis is made of .
2 Be pleased to tell them that I remember them with great kindness and great respect .
3 ‘ Will it help you if I tell you first that I love you , ’ he whispered , ‘ that I adore you with all my heart ? ’
4 For that matter , now that I see them for this moment so clearly , what has Hugh to do with the king , either ?
5 When I came to Macmillan , it was with the greatest difficulty that I telephoned him at all .
6 You 're not forgetting that I called you before that time myself , and you told me Bonanza had taken the girl away somewhere ? ’
7 ‘ Now that I have you at last you 'll never be away from me again . ’
8 Because there were , there were easily three lists of influence on referrals that you need to be attuned to , that I gave you in that one erm praise , give a bit of praise to my wife because all I 'm proud of crafty , I thought , you know , why did n't you say that was a beautiful brief .
9 The inner ring itself could never quite understand her arrival there , and concluded finally that she made it through sheer cheek .
10 But his tone left them in no doubt as to his feelings as he grunted , ‘ I suggested to your fiancée , ’ he uttered the noun with contempt , ‘ that she release you from this ridiculous arrangement .
11 Abruptness was her most familiar mode , and Liz sometimes fancied that she practised it with peculiar pleasure on Charles , whenever she got the chance : and Charles , accustomed to being listened to with reverence , took it in good part .
12 ‘ Nature-lover , ’ he teased , and she knew then that she held him in some quite high regard .
13 There is no lasting acrimony between Gedge and Rigby and when they meet up he often jokes that she provided him with enough material to launch and sustain a musical career .
14 She goes on slowly and naively : ‘ I 'm really glad , in a way , that you took me to that place .
15 We saved them , they were on about cameras and that and then we found out inserts inside it that you got it with that did n't you ?
16 ‘ It was not so much consideration as intuition , for something tells me that you visit me with some strange intelligence . ’
17 By your expression , I judge that you suspect me of pseudo-intellectual flim-flam and it is undeniable that our deliberations tended more towards the sybaritic than the Socratic .
18 If you are going to take notes , let the candidate know at this stage , explain that you do it for all the candidates , and that they are nothing sinister but simply a memory aid .
19 I just hope that you issued him with that warning because I meant what I said — I 'll ruin him if he hurts her again . ’
20 We we just have this weird notation that we write it like this and we say it like that cos squared Z what we mean
21 ‘ We are putting a lot of money into these core plants to improve their efficiency and reduce variable costs , ’ Ewart emphasizes , ‘ It is vital that we keep them in good shape . ’
22 It 's a matter , I think , of managing it properly , of making sure that we minimise any kind of deleterious effect on the environment , that we manage it in such a way that is tolerable and beneficial to ourselves , to our communities wherever we live .
23 It is therefore essential that we study it in close detail .
24 ‘ The Arsenal way of doing things , though , is that we do them in private — not in public .
25 We may do it badly , but the beauty is that we do it at all .
26 ‘ And was n't he being romantic when he suggested that we consider you for this job ?
27 However she did not work in isolation of the sales figures and shop reports , which she read avidly and , as she wrote to Moira : ‘ I feel that we hit it in many respects but we do n't seem to repeat the exciting things fast though . ’
28 Cereal farmers are using less nitrogen fertiliser and have changed the way that they apply it in direct response to concern over nitrogen pollution , according to a report form the Home Grown Cereals Authority .
29 To the extent that Europeans know of this Oxbridge dominance , my experience is that they regard it with some satisfaction ( they have generally heard of Oxford and Cambridge ) , but that their satisfaction changes to complacency when they reflect upon what they believe to be the uniquely class-ridden structure of English society .
30 they always seemed backward , they found that they took them to different specialist and the truth is , they 've both left school now and got jobs , but they were er , dyslexia
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