Example sentences of "that [noun pl] [vb mod] be made [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Yemen , which held the presidency of the UN Security Council in December [ see pp. 37870-71 ] , had proposed on Dec. 2 , through its UN permanent representative Abdallah Saleh al-Ashtal , that attempts should be made to " clarify the positive consequences " , including the lifting of economic sanctions and the withdrawal of all foreign troops from the Gulf .
2 There was anxiety that judgments would be made about teachers ' handling of classes , based on too few visits .
3 Indeed the Lord Chancellor 's Department figures draw attention to the fact that solicitors make mistakes in court documentation and evinces the hope that improvements can be made in this respect .
4 It builds on the experience of the past six years while , at the same time , recognising that improvements can be made in the light of that experience .
5 With these redefined axes , McKinsey concluded that investments should be made in attractive industries where a group was in a strong competitive position and not in less attractive industries , especially where the group 's competitive position was weak .
6 I agree that the appeal should be allowed and that declarations should be made in the terms appearing at the end of the judgment of Glidewell L.J .
7 Since negotiation implies movement in order to achieve agreement , it is likely that concessions will be made by at least one party during the bargaining process .
8 England have long known that concessions can be made against no team .
9 Mr Howell said no legal opinion had been sought before entering into the transactions , although a council memo suggested that visits should be made to other local authorities .
10 I know that criticisms will be made as a proper part of our deliberations today about whether that is the best use of the money .
11 These processes will be described in detail in the following sections so that comparisons can be made with the effects of predation described in Chapters 2 and 3 .
12 It has been suggested that , because physical geographers have traditionally been involved in atmospheric processes , hydrology and the soil , it is logical that contributions could be made in the characterization of the plant environment both spatially and temporally ( Hanna , 1983 ) .
13 The defence counsel said that appeals would be made against the verdicts .
14 Now we understand that exceptions can be made on humane grounds and we have decided to exercise that discretion in the case of Mrs Butler . ’
15 The defendant , a Greek bank of the private sector , had announced a public open competition for hiring of male and female employees , specifying that appointments would be made on the basis of separate lists of successful candidates , according to sex and marks obtained .
16 Those arrangements do not preclude education authority representatives either being appointed initially by the Secretary of State or subsequently by boards , but I stress that appointments will be made on the basis of personal qualities .
17 The Minister said that changes might be made by the trustees only with the approval of the Scottish Transport Group board and also with the approval of those voting at a meeting of members of the scheme .
18 Micro Focus has defined Application Programming Interfaces between Dialogue System and the initialling Cobol program to separate the detail of the user interface from the underlying business application logic so that changes can be made to the user interface without impacting the Cobol program , making possible multiple user interfaces to the same application .
19 Additionally , although the Rules no longer require a written agreement , there are certain instances where the Rules require that disclosures must be made to the customer or the customer must consent to the firm acting in a particular way .
20 This means not only that forecasts must be made for each sector separately but that the base year should be the last one for which there were no constraints on the supply of places .
21 At first , the playing time for both discs and cylinders was the same — about two minutes — but the fact that discs could be made in different sizes , all of which could be played on the same machine , was another advantage .
22 ’ Erskine May ’ states clearly that amendments may be made in Committee even if they are not within the Bill 's scope according to the long title .
23 As a result of this , it was suggested that amendments should be made to the FSA .
24 " suggested that arrangements should be made under which the Technical School should work in co-operation with the Grammar School .
25 As well as giving him moral ascendancy over the rest of the company , driving himself to exhaustion might also cloud critical judgement , so that comments would be made on the effort that had gone into the show rather than on its quality . )
26 Membership entails the pledging of a weekly sum to be saved , and the agreement that loans will be made from this common pool of savings — at a rate of interest currently fixed by law at no more than 1 per cent .
27 I assure the grim-faced surgeons in front of me that representations will be made to the shipping line on our return to Cairo , and that , meanwhile , the Captain and I will , after appropriate consultation , revamp the menus .
28 I do not doubt that representations will be made about that private sector decision , which I very much regret .
29 By contrast , the British use of surveys involved finding things out about people in order that representations could be made on their behalf by their " betters " .
30 The agent merely states that offers should be made for the site , without providing the purchasers with any guidance regarding price .
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