Example sentences of "that [adj] [noun] [vb base] to [be] " in BNC.

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1 It is a common observation that spatial disparities tend to be reduced when national economies as a whole experience growth and vice-versa .
2 It is argued that political programmes have to be worked out by actors within the state , rather than emerging automatically from the ‘ needs ’ of the economic system .
3 Other philosophers argue that free agents need to be self-directed ( or ‘ autonomous ’ ) and hence need to choose in a sense not cashable as the effective satisfying of desires .
4 Like another release in the same series — Benedict Mason 's Lighthouses of England and Wales , which I 've reviewed at length below — Birtwistle 's work is also , for all its contemporary superstructure and substructures , a species of tone-poem in a genre that British composers tend to be good at : in this case the quasipantheistic dark-pastoral in the tradition of North Country Sketches , In the Faery Hills , Enter Spring and , perhaps especially , the ‘ Ritual dances ’ from Tippett 's Midsummer Marriage .
5 In conclusion , we have demonstrated the presence of M tuberculosis DNA in sarcoid lung and lymph tissue and shown that archival specimens seem to be suitable for research based on polymerase chain reaction techniques .
6 Which means that ontological object-categories have to be analysed in conjunction with certain experiential modalities .
7 Research indicates that ageing people continue to be sexually active , and that age itself does not undermine either the need or the capacity for sexual activity .
8 It requires either a full repeat survey to identify the life style-groups again if any follow-up research is to be done , or else the creation of a sort of shorthand classification for research and analysis ; it seems that different products tend to be best looked at in terms of rather different life style groupings , so that , ideally , each requires its own major survey — which rather loses the point of the exercise — and researchers have had some difficulty in replicating the results .
9 It is consequently scarcely surprising that Somali men tend to be very ambivalent in their attitudes towards these women 's ailments , especially since some impatient husbands find that the best cure is often a good beating !
10 There is a lot of evidence that unemployed people tend to be less healthy than their employed counterparts .
11 It is in these schools that personal contacts begin to be built up and these help to produce the ‘ old-boy networks ’ .
12 There is evidence that verbal reprimands tend to be less effective in various disciplinary encounters than other techniques .
13 Confrontation with a novel or unexpected event , in which few replicative aspects are evident , may mean that inappropriate constructs come to be applied as when a viewer orientated towards figurative painting attempts to discover recognizable content with an abstract work .
14 Anglo-Saxon archaeology has n't come to a crisis point as did prehistoric studies in the early 1960s ; rather it is gradually slipping into new directions with the establishment of a generation of archaeologists more aware that alternative approaches exist to be tried and which have been available for 20 years .
15 I have not always found it easy to counter my wife 's complaints that frozen peas have to be eaten the same day .
16 It has been well observed that classical revivals tend to be of short duration .
17 This means that initial conditions need to be specified so as to provide the data for the first set of calculations .
18 The British Home Office still takes the line affirmed in its committee report ( 1979 ) that live animals need to be used and the statement of the British Medical Research Council , included in it , that ‘ the LD50 test is the only reliable measure of acute toxicity and yields a result with the least possible expenditure of life ’ ( 1979 : 16 ) .
19 With this goes the argument that small enterprises tend to be more efficient than larger ones , both in their use of scarce resources and the flexibility of their response to market processes .
20 Namely , it is argued that small enterprises tend to be less unionized and therefore characterised by competitively-set. flexible wages , while large enterprises are characterised by wage rigidity .
21 The powers that be have decided that various lists have to be drawn up , including one of all those who survived .
22 It might additionally be thought to be undesirable that trivial assaults have to be prosecuted with an offence carrying the heavy maximum penalty of ten years ' imprisonment .
23 It has been shown that particular shapes tend to be correlated , in the case of cremation pottery , with particular grave-goods , the sex of the individual which the vessels contain and the decoration on the vessel ( Richards 1982 ) .
24 Nor are the ‘ some Germans ’ just cranks : Peter Glotz , a leading member of the SDP , argued that ‘ practically all Germans are in agreement that military alliances have to be made superfluous …
25 It means that vital decisions have to be made quickly at an extremely difficult time for the mother , decisions which may have to be made from an ill-informed base .
26 Research by Louie Burghes of the Family Policy Studies Centre finds that single mothers tend to be younger ( half are under 24 ) than other lone parents and to have younger children .
27 Pat Booth 's useful Report writing states that certain decisions have to be made in writing a report , including a ) the purpose for which it is being written b ) the specific topic c ) the precise message to be delivered d ) the appropriate structure e ) suitable length and format f ) the right vocabulary , style and tone g ) the amount and kind of supporting evidence and data .
28 With regard to library education , table 2 shows that certain methods appear to be more suitable than others for this type of instruction .
29 Awareness that young people seem to be particularly able readers of ‘ body language ’ and other non-verbal revelations of attitude .
30 However , studies by Gill Aslett and Joan Blyth and several more recent investigations have stressed that young children need to be trained to " read " pictures .
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