Example sentences of "that [be] [verb] [prep] [pers pn] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 These structures include all outgrowths of the cuticle that are connected with it by means of a membranous joint .
2 ‘ Perhaps I do n't respond to challenges that are imposed on me by others ! ’
3 ‘ The questions that are asked of me by Asian people sometimes are the questions that are asked of Karim when he portrays Changez as a characters in his own play , ’ he explains .
4 Those forces that make agencies fail to generate change also make them slow to respond to changes that are thrust upon them from the outside .
5 As a first step you might refuse the plastic bags that are thrust upon you at the supermarket check-out and use boxes to carry home the food .
6 The National Association of Pension Funds ( NAPF ) acts as the lobbying body on behalf of the pension industry , but has no specific regulatory powers , nor does the Occupation Pensions Board ( OPB ) which comments on pension matters that are referred to it by the Secretary of State ( and also has responsibility for issuing contracting out certificates ) .
7 I think that a good job has been done by the ITC , but I am prepared to consider any representations that are made to me about the future determination of licences .
8 I have a deep and abiding resentment of the unfair attacks that are made on us as a profession .
9 But more than that , as I have said already , a demoralized teaching force that feels disenfranchised from the process of educational change will be resistant to the changes that are thrown at them by outsiders .
10 The biggest challenges that most of us have to deal with are invariably those that are thrown at us by fate . ’
11 As we will show , almost nothing of this popular conception survives a thorough examination of the day-to-day practices and the explanations that are vouchsafed for them in vogue among the folk who inhabit these notorious places .
12 In every generation , REPRODUCTION takes the genes that are supplied to it by the previous generation , and hands them on to the next generation but with minor random errors — mutations .
13 Do n't worry , I 've told the solicitors that are appearing for us on the sixteenth of July that that 's the situation , that the have not joined in all of the partners
14 well I do feel that a car is looked at from a performance point of view , I mean I agree that a lot of bad drivers , but I still think you could help a lot by getting the design of the car right , because sometimes accidents do happen , even though nobody is really at fault and er I feel strongly that were looking at it from the wrong way round .
15 But while he argues for general connections between the rites , incidentally ignoring the many repudiations of Gnosticism that were made of it by early Christian leaders , his viewpoint is much more balanced than Scobie 's . )
16 Amplification wise , I use two Ampeg SVTs that were made for me in 1987 as part of the company 's ‘ Artist ’ series , and there were only five hundred of those made .
17 My sincere thanks to you all for the most beautiful flowers that were sent to me in hospital during my recent operation .
18 Here are two exercises that were given to me by ANDY WATSON and TREFOR OWEN , part-time tutors at Leeds College of Music .
19 Once you got into the C C Q erm for me it sounded like a string of questions erm I could n't hear any at all or any open questions into any of the answers that were given to you on question .
20 I shall have more to say the plaintiff 's young life when I deal with the reports that were written on her from her school when dealing with the loss of future earnings .
21 That was all I needed to feel sure that Harvey had the half-dozen eggs that were stolen from me at London Airport .
22 So that was the journey waybill and that was handed in at the end of the day and from that and a visual check of the tickets that were returned by him to the ticket office , they could tell which tickets were missing and therefore they were sold to him and er there be , there was the odd shortages but in those days if anybody was short in his takings by , I think it was about sixpence in those days , he was the subject of a another warning by letter and if he persisted , well then he was brought in to see the Traffic Superintendent who erm , could suspend him for two or three days , so he lost pay for two or three days .
23 If the hon. Gentleman wants to find a worse record in Scotland for waiting lists , he should look at the waiting lists that were left to us by the previous Labour Government .
24 It was partly because he got a weird buzz out of scaring himself half to death , and partly because he felt it was a kind of exorcism , to convince him he had control over his fears — and the horrors that were waiting for him round the corner of sleep .
25 The court heard the shift supervisor at Three Mile Island change his testimony on the crucial relief-valve temperatures that were reported to him during the incident .
26 Her parents only came to appreciate the impact the plaintiff had made on others before her accident from the tributes that were paid to her by outsiders of the family during the months the plaintiff was in a coma at Addenbrookes .
27 But a Custom Blend , something that is made for you in every aspect of the product , is obviously going to be better .
28 Yet it is an objective standard which the directors themselves define , and not one that is imposed upon them by the courts , who regard it as illegitimate to substitute their own view of what constitutes the best interests of the company or the shareholders for that of the directors of the company .
29 But at the end of the day they are n't in that league cos most thieves are opportunists they seize a common opportunity that is presented to them by or it could be they 've actually just watched her go out and more of a chance .
30 A basic interest in questions about the meaning and purpose of life ( a ) to challenge secularist assumptions and to appreciate that religious truth-claims can not be easily dismissed ; ( b ) to understand what is distinctive about religion , that is , what it essentially concerns , and be able to distinguish between that and features of it which can vary and perhaps be dispensed with altogether ; ( c ) to realize in particular in how many different ways religion can masquerade as something else , and fail to be what it claims to be ; ( d ) to appreciate the highly controversial nature of religion and of almost everything that is said about it by anyone , whether religious or not ; ( e ) to have a firm grasp of criteria by which to evaluate precise examples and manifestations of religion in practice ; ( f ) to appreciate the force of the question-mark with regard to the ultimate divide between religion and non-religion , and to appreciate the reality of the dilemma , and the ways in which religion needs to be questioned for its failures , negative attitudes , hypocrisy and externalism .
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