Example sentences of "that [adj] be [v-ing] [prep] [be] " in BNC.

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1 Er in fact I would probably think that erm having looked at some of the results recently I would think that that 's going to be somewhere close to average now .
2 If you want to en try and ensure that you 're going to have a self sustained community , one hundred percent , you make sure that presumably you 've got a show case cinema with fifteen screens there , er a B and Q , erm a whole range of of facilities that nobody ever needs leave , erm erm erm er that new settlement , the reality of the real world of course is that all settlements to a greater or lesser degree , er have a relationship with other er larger scale settlements , now then let's look at the new settlement , fourteen hundred dwellings , we estimate that that is going to be of the order of around three thousand three hundred people , now that is sizeable , it is not small , it is larger than a number of the small market towns er in North Yorkshire , like Boroughbridge , Settle , it is a significant development erm erm and within it erm there will be a requirement er be a requirement for a a a primary school , it justifies that .
3 And I think you 'll probably find that that is going to be a problem in rural areas .
4 Now , it 's not clear to me at the moment that that is going to be the direction , say , of the Roman Catholic Church , because we seem to have a much more conservative Pope and there are conservative movements growing up in all the churches , you 've only got to look at Reagan 's America and the way you find counterparts to that kind of religious conservatism in all the European countries .
5 ‘ That is not to say that this is going to be all fun , ’ she hastily added .
6 I ca n't seem to have have yet heard definitely that this is going to be .
7 There is some professional resistance , in the sense that people who 've done a lot of work on programming get used to certain sorts of languages , and if you make proposals about teaching some new way of dealing with computers , they throw up their hands in horror , and object that this is going to be inefficient , or it 's not going to prepare people adequately for what goes on in industry , or whatever .
8 Yet all the signs were that this was going to be a fruitless exercise .
9 Suppose you knew that this was going to be the last day of your life .
10 In readiness for the event I made all the arrangements I possibly could before the baby was born to make my return to work as smooth as possible , including hiring a nanny , and I thought that this was going to be easy …
11 We go back a long way , me and God , and from his first words I could tell that this was going to be a difficult call .
12 She swore to herself that this was going to be the last child .
13 And as soon as I cradled the mass in my arms the conviction flooded through me that this was going to be the same as all the others .
14 Undecided , she had wondered if it might be too formal , but now she realised that this was going to be no jeans-and-sweater occasion .
15 And I , I , I , I , I , I would not have endeavoured to persuade you that this was going to be the land reform document that was , that this is it .
16 Now at that stage my Lord Mr er telephoned Mr on the afternoon of the twenty second of October and it 's his case that he explained what had happened at the meeting of the bank to him and er asked him again , in view of the fact that was having to sell him home , if it was possible to withdraw from the contract and it is the plaintiff 's case that he pointed out to Mr er quite definitely and quite clearly on the telephone , on this day , er that without er the funding that he had required to run this business er he could only see that this was going to be potentially disastrous for him er and once again , my Lord as he said this was a fairly heated conversation and er the plaintiff was told by Mr once again that there was no way out for him and he should now concentrate all his efforts on achieving completion , er and once again we were .
17 He said : ‘ The assistant chief constable of Merseyside said that this was going to be the greatest fraud trial since Poulson .
18 So an excellent story for Hygiene in 1991 and I am totally confident , that with the tremendous display of determination and dedication we have throughout the Division , that 1992 is going to be equally successful .
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