Example sentences of "that [adj] [noun] be [prep] [be] " in BNC.

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1 This exemption , it might be noted , will require amendment in the event that multi-disciplinary partnerships are to be permitted ( see below ) as in its present form it only applies to solicitors ' partnerships where all the partners are qualified solicitors .
2 If the parties had agreed that each consignment was to be separately paid for , the court will normally construe the contract as severable .
3 It is usual and desirable to provide that each party is to be sent a copy of the other party 's submission .
4 The courts upheld the method adopted and rejected both the alternatives suggested , the first because the shareholders were not ‘ part owners of the undertaking ’ and the second because the regulation implied that each holding was to be separately valued .
5 It presumes , although the parties did not anticipate the contract becoming impossible or illegal to perform , that nevertheless , if they had thought about it , they would have stated that further performance was to be excused .
6 Professor Botha also said neither woman had been raped , although he added that further tests are to be conducted on the bodies .
7 The stock market crash of the 1930s meant that British watercolours were to be had at bargain prices , with major compositions costing less than £20 .
8 Reagan announced that MX missiles were to be grouped together to frustrate attack by missiles .
9 Obviously , I understand that this course is to be built mainly for the benefit of the people who 'll buy the new houses , but it seems a pity that natural unspoilt countryside should be bulldozed to make way for what 's really just a few rich people 's pastime . ’
10 From the very first entry at the top of the list it is clear that this discussion was to be for Darwin revelatory .
11 Little for that matter did I believe that this experience was to be the start of a whole new direction in my life , the lessons of which I have attempted to set out in this book .
12 On the Sunday the anticipation was that this train was to be a double-headed and that a six-coach rake would be provided .
13 Holism , as we have seen , is defined as the view that social phenomena are to be explained by appealing primarily to the properties of social wholes , since the latter are the causal factors which shape the characteristics of individual members of society .
14 The hard core of Marx 's historical materialism would be the assumption that social change is to be explained in terms of class struggle , the nature of the classes and the details of the struggle being determined in the last instance by the economic base .
15 The Eleventh Plenum of the Comintern , early in 1931 , made it clear that social democracy was to be regarded as the main enemy .
16 Only eight weeks before the sale , Christie 's announced that sixty-six drawings were to be auctioned without first being offered to any national institution by their owner , Viscount Coke .
17 Former Mayor Billy Bleakes said it was ‘ scandalous that honest men are to be made scapegoats ’ , and accused the Unionist members of pursuing a vendetta against the workers .
18 Former Mayor Billy Bleakes said it was ‘ scandalous that honest men are to be made scapegoats ’ , and accused the Unionist members of pursuing a vendetta against the workers .
19 The Edict of Pîtres in 864 strongly suggests the combination of political and fiscal reasons behind Charles 's determination to keep control of markets : others , presumably local magnates , had been setting them up on their own initiative , but the king now decreed that such markets were to be banned unless they secured royal authorisation , and royal agents were told to keep lists of those so authorised .
20 It will be recalled that by and large this body of legislation provides that such warranties are to be implied into the relevant contracts unless the contract itself expresses a contrary intention .
21 The reply given by Mrs. Bottomley centred around trade barriers not being acceptable and the answer appeared to me to contradict the action taken by America where President Bush has stated that Japanese imports are to be restricted .
22 It was announced last night that urgent talks are to be held with public health officials after a survey by the Institution of Environmental Health Officers showed 2,858 out of 5,622 restaurants , pubs , and other outlets investigated were using microwave ovens designed for home kitchens .
23 The magnitude of the special needs post-holder 's task becomes clear if one considers that these skills are to be geared to assisting classroom teachers of varying lengths of career experience ( often considerably longer than that of the ‘ qualified ’ supporter ) and range of subject specialities ( beyond the supporter 's expertise ) — teachers already under pressure from many directions and with ambivalent feelings about ‘ hawing problems ’ and ‘ being seen as in need of help ’ ; and if one considers that the supporter 's extended task is to deepen these colleagues ' understanding of ‘ special ’ learning needs , to enhance their skills , discover and develop their strengths and the confidence that the professional know.how they possess can be summoned for responding more appropriately to most of the behavioural , emotional and learning difficulties they encounter .
24 At the same time , they are deepening the existence of lines of division in higher education and actually announcing … that these divisions are to be permanent .
25 Eschewing strategic analysis in favour of a more polemical approach he argued that these concessions were to be used as ‘ trans-shipping points for American combat units that are to carry out punitive operations against the peoples of the Near and Middle East , as well as in Africa ’ .
26 However , the fact that 90 seats were to be reserved for workers , peasants , scientists , intellectuals , artists , students and ethnic minorities " active in the revolution " ( all of whom were expected to be NSF supporters drawn from its 145-member Council ) led to opposition accusations that the NSF meant to retain power .
27 In 1827 he not only obliged them to start performing military service but also declared that Jewish recruits were to be enlisted at the age of twelve rather than twenty .
28 The argument that indirect taxes are to be preferred because they avoid the discrimination against risky investments of a direct tax system can also be rebutted .
29 British Aerospace workers ' hopes of a revival were shot down yesterday with the news that 650 jobs are to be axed .
30 " Whatever subject or age group you teach , there will be plenty of resources to help you cope with the demands of the National Curriculum , especially now that environmental education is to be an important cross-curricular theme , " says Peter Martin , WWF Senior Education Officer .
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