Example sentences of "that [verb] give [noun sg] to [art] " in BNC.

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1 It is the unfinished nature of those parts dealing with the schemas of reproduction that has given rise to a number of controversies regarding the interpretation of them .
2 I was numb , but it was a numbness that promised to give way to an agonizing pain quite soon .
3 The buying of a teapot was part of the Burton ritual that helped to give variety to the East Anglian 's stay in the Midlands .
4 This increased the ease with which the police could prosecute prostitutes , as they no longer required the assistance of an ‘ offended ’ member of the public , despite the fact that it was the supposed ‘ public nuisance ’ of street prostitution that had given rise to the need for legislation .
5 The distinctive characteristic of these writers was their belief in progress : the belief , in particular , that the system of international relations that had given rise to the First World War was capable of being transformed into a fundamentally more peaceful and just world order ; that under the impact of the awakening of democracy , the growth of the ‘ international mind ’ , the development of the League of Nations , the good works of men of peace or the enlightenment spread by their own teachings , it was in fact being transformed ; and that their responsibility as students of international relations was to assist this march of progress to overcome the ignorance , the prejudices , the ill-will , and the sinister interests that stood in its way .
6 The range of policies needed to counter the root causes that have given rise to the underclass and keep it firmly in place at the bottom of the social hierarchy are examined in Part IV .
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