Example sentences of "that [pron] must [be] some [noun] " in BNC.

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1 I admit that there must be some degree of doubt , because I 've never seen this injury anywhere else in isolation .
2 I think the second element is that there must be some sense of a concentrational identity erm so that the the sporadic development that one does tend to see in the countryside , I do n't believe constitutes a settlement .
3 .. I do n't know what this is founded in , but I believe that there must be some kind of basic system of balance , where everything 's weighed up and when all the pain we 've created in the world gets salved because we live again .
4 But the gypsies and geourgos but er a lot of gypsies have got one geourgo parent but , they would reckon that there must be some sort of descent , er er erm that , where they 're aware of to qua , to qualify as a gypsy .
5 First , it means that there must be some form of cost/benefit analysis , however distasteful it is to assign money values to life or ill-health .
6 Later that evening when they were seated comfortably in the bar Mary brought up the subject of the eerie feeling in the cutting ; they agreed it had been a most disturbing experience and that there must be some explanation .
7 If you do not like the idea of an infinite number you must still recognize that there must be some number of moments of slug pleasure which would outweigh any finite amount of joy on the earth .
8 Key to this stage of planning is the acceptance ( once again ) that there must be some time limits given to each ‘ activity ’ , or the whole project will become lopsided and wo n't be completed in time .
9 ‘ Maybe you 're pure and white as the driven snow , but you have to face the fact that there must be some reason why those men waylaid you .
10 For when one considers the matter , it is clear that there must be some aspects of language learning which have to do with habit formation .
11 That means that there must be some slack in the system , and the government will ensure that this is so by continuing to cash limit the NHS in total .
12 The regress argument therefore drives us to suppose that there must be some justification which is non-inferential if we are to avoid the sceptical consequence of admitting that no beliefs are ever actually justified .
13 If that were the case then I would say to you that there must be some exceptions to it and the one exception I am particularly concerned with , and it 's up to others to bring forward their particular exceptions , is that of rural affordable housing .
14 Sweenie , the majority held that there must be some force to constitute rape and that it was not rape , therefore , to have sexual intercourse with a sleeping woman .
15 What persuades Quine , however , is not that his examples are so convincing but that he knows that there must be some examples , and these look like the best candidates .
16 Although we might try to decision method , the overall stress of the Secretary of State 's decision methods , as they affect North Yorkshire , is that there must be some limit er to migration largely for environmental considerations and indeed , the panel in nineteen eighty seven were very concerned that er migration would not be slowed quickly enough er in North Yorkshire .
17 As I stared at her wondering what had caused the condition , I decided that it must be some kind of vitamin deficiency .
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