Example sentences of "that [pron] also [vb past] [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Jackie was asked if she would take a Thoroughbred mare who had been abandoned in a field and give her a home as a brood mare — but part of the deal was that she also took the pony who had been left with her .
2 Her dark red suit , and the shoulder bag that swung carelessly , indicated that she also had a trip to town in view .
3 ‘ No , ’ she denied numbly , a hectic flush along her cheekbones , because she had just discovered that she also needed a man she could fight with , cross swords with .
4 Whenever you use a semicolon , note that you also had the option of using a full stop instead .
5 I was supposed to be trying to show you that we also had a language , but that it was different from yours . ’
6 Fortunately , there was a small cell of opinion within the Air Ministry that passionately believed they knew the reason for the failure and , more importantly , felt that they also knew the answer .
7 The patrol pounced and grabbed the surprised Germans , only to discover that they also had no water with them .
8 It seems to me that these dreams were not only manifestations of hunger , but that they also evinced a desire to be normal and part of the natural world .
9 By requiring its practitioners to possess the moral prestige necessary to guide , Indirect Rule seemed to ensure that they also possessed the means whereby , in the absence of any overwhelming display of physical superiority , they could govern .
10 He added that it also omitted the question of disestablishment .
11 So impressed was it with the Darlington operation that it also adopted the design of the questionnaire and the logo .
12 As a successful town , it is not unlikely that it also became a pagus centre for part of the Dobunni and additionally the residence of the regionarius mentioned above ( p. 34 ) .
13 Sainsbury 's sponsored one of the nine categories — Press Advertising — and found that it also received a certificate in this category for its graduate recruitment campaign .
14 Labour was utilised more efficiently , and as well as being mindful of his employer 's interests , Barratt demonstrated that he also had a care for his workmen .
15 In Chelmsford Auctions v. Poole it was held that he also had the right personally to sue the purchaser for the price .
16 Reports suggested that he also took a message from Walesa asking for approval for the sacking of Finance Minister Lescek Balcerowicz , the architect of Poland 's " shock therapy " free-market economic programme .
17 One of the leaders of the Manchester bid team David Scott told I R N that he also shared the concerns of some of the Greek delegation that the choice of a U S venue reflected the influence of commercialism and big business in I O C decision making .
18 I think — I hope — that in a sense the relief of having a young assistant was not only that it helped his work , but that he also welcomed the presence of a younger doctor with more up-to-date medical knowledge .
19 Observers noted , however , that he also urged a committee established by the General People 's Congress to " negotiate directly with America " , without UN mediation .
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