Example sentences of "that [pron] had [adv] been [adj] " in BNC.

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1 No one had any comment to make for the excellent reason that everyone had already been convinced of the fact .
2 Oh she probably heard that I had not been well
3 This was a very great help to me , because I was able to learn the meaning of many words that I had not been able to understand before .
4 It transpired that she had also been one of a party at the Hall the same day .
5 It was a pity that she had n't been able to use one of his handkerchiefs , a strand of his hair .
6 She bows her head , disappointed that she had n't been able to do more for herself .
7 This particular person had found the shock so great that she had not been able to acknowledge it at all except by taking this evading action .
8 But how sad that she had not been able to say that to the one person who really longed to hear it .
9 She explained that she had not been able to bring herself to discuss things with them , although she had managed to speak to her married brother , who had been very supportive and helpful .
10 She was bitterly sad that she had not been able to see her aunt before she died .
11 Robbie drew breath to vindicate herself , to tell him that she had not been unfaithful , that so far as she was concerned Hugh had ceased to exist .
12 Rumour had it that she had once been married , long ago , when she was very young .
13 Every other sound that she had hitherto been conscious of — the distant bleat of sheep in the field , the wind in the trees , the mewling cry of a hawk far above her — disappeared , vanished from her awareness .
14 When Vron had sobbed it all out after showing her prospective stepson photographs of herself having a handjob with no clothes on for money , she explained to me at throaty length and with hot tears still foiling the points of her lashes — that she had always been creative .
15 When Vron had sobbed it all out after showing her prospective stepson photographs of herself having a handjob with no clothes on for money , she explained to me at throaty length and with hot tears still foiling the points of her lashes — that she had always been creative .
16 Another rumour countered that she had always been unpleasant and had thus never had a love-affair , unhappy or otherwise .
17 Derek was confident that she had never been involved in anything subversive in her life or , for that matter , anything which was not completely dignified and fully reputable .
18 To tell Luke the truth , somehow force him to accept that she had never been involved with Florian in the way he imagined , might just possibly put an end to his — his persecution of her .
19 Was it true , what Maria said , that she had never been fair to Hester ?
20 Riding one of Jennie 's fabulous dressage schoolmasters , Katharine was able to experience a whole host of dressage movements from flying changes to pirouettes that she had never been able to try before .
21 After Mark 's funeral Robyn 's lips had been so painful that she had hardly been able to speak or smile for days — but then that had suited her fine , still suited her , although no one guessed , except Anne perhaps .
22 Yeah I was gon na move erm on a suggestion that we had not been convinced of the need for this consortium by er , so far and and that certainly we as an authority er , have remained opposed to it on the grounds that we 've stated the terms of accountability in terms of the er , sensitivity to local needs in terms of transport issues and in terms of the clear intention to restrict patient choice erm which I think is a key think which should be emphasised
23 There are some unavoidable costs er on that account , particularly on the engine programme where delays to the aircraft programme which result in extra costs on the engine side , are the customer 's liability , erm but the main increase in cost is actually in the equipment area and results I think , from the fact that the equipment prices turned out to be higher than was originally estimated at the start of the programme and also the fact that U K industry won a higher work share on equipment that we had originally been entitled to and budgeted for and lastly the point you mentioned that Germany has withdrawn from some parts of the requirement and that made certain equipments non-common and we have had to take a larger share of the costs of those equipments than originally planned .
24 His desire to devastate our residential sector and close seventeen homes will be thwarted somebody over there , it may have been Mr it may not have been , said that there had n't been any redundancies .
25 She 'd removed her ripped stockings earlier and now , as she looked down at the patchwork of scratches and grazes , she was relieved that there had n't been more damage .
26 If Eva had any regrets it was that her mother had never been able to put in words just how much she obviously meant to her , and that there had not been more time to spend with her parents over the years .
27 The three opponents still refusing to sign on the grounds that there had not been adequate consultation , and two more being absent , the Mayor rode off on his horse and collected a signature from one of the absentees .
28 Yesterday , Lord Ross , the Lord Justice-Clerk , sitting with Lords McCluskey and Morison , was told that the hearing had been cancelled because the licensing authority now conceded that there had not been enough evidence to justify applying for the warrant .
29 The Boards were far from innocent , however , and when they later developed a proper accounting system to allocate overheads fairly it was found that there had indeed been some unfair cross-subsidisation to their contracting accounts .
30 Or should he turn desire aside and pretend that there had never been that brief , blinding flare of longing between them ?
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