Example sentences of "that [pron] had [verb] from [art] " in BNC.

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1 Not until I was out in the open countryside again , reassured by the songs of the birds and the murmur of streams did I feel that I had emerged from a dream and rejoined the familiar twentieth century .
2 It was dark , I could n't make out their features , but I was terrified that I had jumped from the pot into the flames .
3 We went on listening as she informed us that she had progressed from the easy-peasies such as Keats and Dickens to the Russian heavy brigade .
4 When Petion returned , Ace had brought out from the TARDIS the four Vickers guns that she had liberated from the palace armoury , and was checking their actions for signs of wear or damage .
5 But Mother Francis had fought like a tiger for that small bundle that she had rescued from the cottage , on the day she was born .
6 O'Keeffe 's immediate reaction to the criticism generated by the 1923 show is not known , but it is clear from a letter she wrote to Mitchell Kennerley of the Anderson Gallery in the autumn of 1922 , soon after Rosenfeld 's second article appeared , that she had objected from the beginning to Hartley 's and Rosenfeld 's assessments of her and her art : ‘ You see Rosenfeld 's articles have embarrassed me — [ and ] I wanted to lose the one for the Hartley book when I had the only copy of it to read — so it could n't be in the book . ’
7 She moved along the counter to where , beneath it , on a narrow table , there stood a number of trays and , taking up the brass hammer , she broke the edge of the toffee and put four pieces into a newspaper cone that she had taken from a number stacked up by the side of the tray .
8 Sally Ann Cattell died in a stolen car which crashed during a police chase last March , but the SSD denied reports that she had absconded from the children 's home , St John 's in Erdington , to which she had moved three days before the incident .
9 If it was n't that we had to develop from an egg in every generation , I do n't think that kind of conservatism would be observed .
10 There w–s no sense that we had passed from the holy world of church to secular life : there was a wholeness and a holiness about the whole experience which is difficult to describe .
11 The pressure of population caused much less concern in the Welsh Border counties where there was still sufficient land available to allow poor immigrants to erect cottages on the wastes and to claim common rights to go with the few acres that they had cleared from the woods or the moors .
12 But managers told me that they had learned from the experience .
13 Both Nicolae and Elena constantly emphasized in their speeches that they had sprung from the common people and therefore shared their hopes and sufferings .
14 He was what we have learned to call a WASP , and his lifetime coincided with the process , not yet quite completed , by which that caste — white Anglo-Saxon protestants of the northeast — was supplanted from the position of privilege that they had enjoyed from the first days of the Republic .
15 Certainly some of the female science students felt that they had benefited from a single-sex education .
16 Furnas insisted that the most recent stoppage was for routine maintenance until Greenpeace made public information about the incident that it had received from a worker at the plant , later confirmed by the Brazilian nuclear energy commission .
17 May we not reasonably suppose that it had migrated from the central regions of this vast continent , which has yet much in store for future discovery ?
18 They were no doubt relieved , as Theo definitely was , that he had escaped from the clutches of ‘ that woman ’ .
19 On autopsy it was established that he had suffered from a very rare brain condition in which the thalamus progressively degenerated .
20 The doubts about Mr Lamont 's survival grew after it was disclosed that he had withdrawn from the panel on BBC TV 's Question Time programme tomorrow , with Mr Clarke replacing him .
21 When pressed upon the issue , Hawke admitted the deal , but claimed that he had withdrawn from the arrangement in December 1990 after Keating had made " treacherous " remarks to the press about his leadership .
22 ‘ Rumours that he had profited from the Barings Crisis of 1890 . ’
23 He firmly denied that he had emerged from the meeting empty handed .
24 He went on to say that he had heard from a mutual friend whom he had met in Alexandria that I had a good job , and added : ‘ Mother said , in an old letter which took months to reach me , that it was in the Foreign Office .
25 Five days later Ira Dilworth called me to his office where , in his kindly fashion , he expressed surprise that he had heard from the RCAF of my application before I had discussed it with him .
26 At the same time , however , the man appointed as Minister , Gabriel Arias Salgado , was a rigid Catholic and well known for the fanatical campaigns against sin and temptation in literature , cinema and theatre that he had master-minded from the Department of Popular Education in the 1940s .
27 Julius stood and watched her go , and wondered what else she would have said to him if she had known the complete truth ; that he had known from the very start exactly who had sent that poison pen letter to her .
28 He was an evacuee , said some ; others that he had absconded from a Borstal .
29 Despite the fact that he had come from a long line of soldier forebears , even the combination of breeding , upbringing and training no longer made it easy for him to bear the tedium of army life with good grace .
30 Malekith and his followers already had the Shrine of Asuryan in their possession , and Malekith possessed the crown that he had taken from the dead Phoenix King .
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