Example sentences of "that [pron] can [adv] [verb] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 As an academic critic and university teacher specializing in modern literature and literary theory , I spend much or my time these days reading books and articles that I can barely understand and that cause my wife ( a graduate with a good honours degree in English language and literature ) to utter loud cries of pain and nausea if her eye happens to fall on them .
2 More important is the fact that nobody can really tell whether Germany has a successful economy because of its voting system ( though , between you and me , this seems as unlikely as a cart pulling a horse ) or whether it seems to have satisfactory constitutional arrangements because its economy has been working so well for so long .
3 Besides that she can hardly read and write and has a very dirty house and weird friends .
4 If the order is complicated , ask the person at the other end to read back to you what they have written down , so that you can both check that it is correct .
5 Oh yeah I , I I , I really think that you can just go and buy driving licences over the counter just like that .
6 Then the fore and hind wings , bending under the additional stress of the turn , beat against one another making an audible rattle that you can easily hear as you sit watching them make their circuits over a pond .
7 One 's called the Austin Special , and it 's really cool-looking with three hotted-up Danelectro-style lipstick tube pickups that you can either run as single-coils for that crinkly kind of clarity , or put them together for a humbucking sound .
8 One big advantage of using Creation 6 for Deco card designing is that you can always check whether the pattern will repeat both side to side and vertically , very easily .
9 The sociologist would also suggest that these patterned regularities in social life mean that social behaviour is predictable , i.e. that one can safely say that individuals in similar social situations will behave similarly .
10 Where , he asked , do we discover that there is some kind of necessary connection between two events , so that we can confidently affirm that A ‘ causes ’ B ?
11 I do believe , however , we 'll learn things from it that we can quickly adapt and put into the hundred and seventy six M F I stores .
12 He was regarded on both sides of the House not only as charming , but as very honest and courageous , and I think that we can genuinely say that he had friendships on both sides .
13 I know about these pirate recordings and they cause a lot of trouble — this is something we have to be very careful about with our CD videos — but I know that sometimes there are things that we can never recapture and it is understandable that people will want to have them .
14 The objection involves the feeling or perhaps the conviction that we can never state or explicitly describe such a thing as a causal circumstance is said to be , which is to say that we can not do something like give a complete enumeration of its elements : we can not give particular or individuating descriptions of all of them .
15 It is in virtue of ( 5 ) , ( 7 ) , and ( 8 ) that we can truly say that the circumstance makes happen and explains the effect , and not the other way on .
16 We shall not now make the point that contradictions and tautologies are often socially acceptable ; the important point is that we can only see that there is a contradiction in ( 29 ) because , as users of the language , we know how to interpret the rules of intensional combination , and those rules have not been broken .
17 ‘ It was important to us to prove that we can actually dance and sing , ’ says Howard .
18 In many ways it should be the last consideration , though some people have such strong likes and dislikes that they can neither explain nor ignore !
19 All legal restraints have been lifted so that they can now do as they will .
20 They are possessed of a handful of skills and attributes which many of the rest of us lack , such as numeracy , and a general ungullability , and ( presumably ) a penchant for cryptography , so that they can actually penetrate and comprehend the tortuous laws and regulations they must administer .
21 It maintains that they can only benefit if it secures the return to Turkey of the so-called Lydian hoard : Lydian , Archaemenid Persian and other Anatolian artefacts dating back to 600–500 BC which , it contends , were looted in 1960–66 from tombs in the Ushak region of Turkey .
22 If you are a small family , look for models with the sort of controls that allow you rinse-and-hold cycles — a short cycle which rinses dishes for a short time to get rid of dried-on food and any smells so that they can then wait till you have a full load to put through .
23 This does n't mean that ICL has given up on the Texas Instruments Inc Sparc line , simply that it can now pick and choose from the two superscalar implementations on offer , says Mike Coote .
24 Taking responsibility for your joints and limbs — knowing that it can only enhance and better the quality of your life — is this easy !
25 The reverse also seems to be true : the energy plasma appears to be sensitive to psychic and thought forms , so that it can actually move or change shape according to the mind of the observer .
26 It 's very important , I think , that erm you match the age of the child to the age which is written on the box , because then the child will actually be handling materials that he can physically handle and ideas that he can physically cope with or intellectually cope with .
27 It 's very important , I think , that erm you match the age of the child to the age which is written on the box , because then the child will actually be handling materials that he can physically handle and ideas that he can physically cope with or intellectually cope with .
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