Example sentences of "that [pron] was [adv] [verb] with " in BNC.

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1 There were times when I tried to tell him before that I was just sleeping with him because he wanted to sleep with me , but he 's a person who can get easily upset , and I did n't want to hurt him .
2 Before I left , I told Eliot that I was still toying with the idea of writing the book on politics , which had increasingly been absorbing me , and I described to him something of what it had been like to live under a benevolent dictatorship .
3 Rachel knew , however , there was no point trying to explain that she was merely going with David to see her new friends from Conway House , because it looked as if her mother , together with Nina , Greg and all the others , had jumped to conclusions and were ready to believe that what was a perfectly innocent friendship had developed into something more .
4 What must be noted here is that much of the strength of the political ethos propagated in prewar years rested on its incorporation and distortion of concepts and assumptions whose origins were far back in Japanese history , and which were broadly unquestioned by the majority of the population ; and that it was firmly integrated with the social system and standard code of morality and behaviour .
5 The advent of the boiled bait , not too long before the hair-rig , married very well to this new technique , for it later became apparent that the success of the hair-rig owed a lot to the fact that it was generally used with boilies .
6 He also showed that it was closely connected with erysipelas .
7 And she did n't think that it was totally connected with the arrival of that poison pen letter this morning .
8 Shannon had been halfway convinced that he was already sleeping with Marianne , but now she was n't so sure .
9 My legs were shaking , I could see that he was nearly bursting with excitement at having something to tell me that I did n't already know .
10 It was held that he was properly indicted with stealing from the company because a person or company in control of the site is deemed prima facie to have control over things on the land .
11 All the early evidence of the Church is unanimous in saying that Mark is the author of the Gospel and that he was closely connected with Peter .
12 William saw that he was well dressed with a dark , double-breasted suit and polished shoes .
13 Eadwig , who bore , or affected , a royal name , looks like a significant figure , and Florence says that he was eventually reconciled with Cnut .
14 Although he was a fully qualified pilot , he never to my knowledge ( certainly not whilst he was with No 7 Squadron ) was ever captain of an aircraft ; he had been second pilot , or flown as mid- upper , or rear gunner or had taken some other crew function , but at the same time he would be researching and demonstrating some aspect of a project that he was currently engaged with at the Institute .
15 ‘ He was stopped by security staff and while they were speaking to him they were informed that he was earlier spotted with a gun in the hospital 's social club , ’ said a Scotland Yard spokesman .
16 And yet he had promised Skelton he would look at some land around Loweswater , and announced that he was so taken with the district he had a mind to settle in it — a statement which brought Miss Skelton to a blush-brink of applause .
17 Not that he was now smitten with Moray 's sister in any serious fashion , he could assure himself ; but he had been much impressed by her at Doune that time , her looks , her manner and behaviour , her quiet competence — and probably the fact that the young Steward was so evidently captivated , something which might hold its own challenge .
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