Example sentences of "that [pron] was [verb] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 The fact is that nothing was done about the matter , and the goats were released from farm isolation by the ministry with subsequent disastrous results for me and for others .
2 James asked , contributing to the elaborate pretence that everyone was thinking about the Redburns , not Abbotsfield .
3 As long ago as 1911 Edmund Holmes wrote of schools that were ‘ ridden by the examination incubus ’ , arguing that everyone was cheated by a system whose merit-order and pass-lists were nothing but ‘ outward signs ’ .
4 A graphics display screen could be used to switch rapidly from one map to another ; this would have the advantage of economy ( in that costly high-quality paper maps would not be needed by each participant ) and would be one way of ensuring that everyone was looking at the right map at any particular time .
5 The first two figures revealed that everyone was looking to the farm to be financially viable .
6 ‘ Look , Mr Burns , it so happens that I was blessed with a pretty good voice .
7 I suppose that I was influenced by the exploits of the great test pilots of the day , people like Peter Twiss , Neville Duke and John Derry , who were at the time just coming to grips with high-speed flight and what was called the ‘ sound-barrier ’ .
8 Pangs of conscience , and ache of loneliness apart , I found that I was stimulated by the challenge of finding my way about this great and beautiful city , and by having to communicate — to try to speak French quickly enough to make actual conversation possible .
9 When I moves to this area just over two years ago I knew no-one , my two older children were at school and , although I enjoyed being at home with my two-year-old toddler , I felt that I was getting past the stage of discussing sleepless nights and dirty nappies !
10 She felt that I was getting in the way .
11 Er , prior to that I was trained as an electrician .
12 That I was born with a silver spoon in my mouth ? ’
13 Among many blessings , which I count from time to time , is the good fortune of being born in this age of progress ‘ in all directions ’ and the fact that I was born with an innate curiosity .
14 My father had told me years before that I was born under the starsign of the Dog because Sirius was overhead at the time .
15 Anyway , rather than attributing it to my childhood , I prefer to believe that I was born into the world with greater or lesser faculties than other people and that I can take full responsibility for them .
16 When I told them that I was born in a similar bed and had become a doctor afterwards they were more convinced .
17 So that ruins your idea that I was hit with the bottle standing beside the bed .
18 I divorced my ex-husband five years ago , after years of him making it obvious that I was acting as a ‘ brake ’ on his life .
19 Only the ferryman on the Oban/Lismore boat knew that I was aiming for the northern ferry to mainland Port Appin .
20 God seemed remote but I appealed for his protection and received a measure of assurance , though I felt that I was followed by an evil presence .
21 ‘ I was forced to face the fact that I was living with a woman I actually disliked and I had no one to blame but myself .
22 No need for him to know that I was watching at the window .
23 The drop down from Meall Corranaich and back up to Beinn Ghlas was a great deal more substantial than I would have wished at this point in the walk , keeping in mind that I was hallucinating from the effort of the chase and the subsequent lack of oxygen managing to get anywhere near my lungs via a mouth full of clenched teeth .
24 I was afraid that I was lost in the snow . ’
25 I was informed by a normally respectable member of the Gwili Board that I was wanted on the telephone in the shop .
26 Soon after , a message came that I was wanted in the cabin .
27 Now , after attending the opening of ‘ Die grosse Utopie : die Russische Avantgarde 1915–1932 ’ in Frankfurt-am-Main yesterday , at my own expense , I wish to state that I was dazzled by the beauty and breadth of the exhibition and that the pluses far outweigh the minuses .
28 Lord Lloyd interviewed me , and explained that I was to report to the Military Attaché at the Baghdad Embassy , though I was to be attached to the British Institute .
29 The upshot was that I was summoned by the university authorities and told that I was to be allowed to continue my studies but only under certain stringent conditions .
30 I make this point after returning from a day 's walking near Ullswater when I was approached by a party of walkers who had followed me for some distance thinking that I was headed for the same destination .
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