Example sentences of "that [pron] should [adv] [vb infin] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 She thought perhaps that Eve might like to serve the breakfast in the refectory and clear away , and that she should also leave classes ten minutes before lunch and be back in the refectory to serve soup to the other students when they came in .
2 A friend has just told me that you should not wear tampons overnight as it can lead to toxic shock syndrome .
3 The old grooms used to say that you should not remove cobwebs from stables .
4 It is the firm conviction of your Board that you should not become shareholders in a company with such an unsound strategy .
5 Levitt concludes that the Italian 's success demonstrates his belief that you should not provide consumers with what they say they want , because their behaviour demonstrates that they will take other features if the product is priced and promoted correctly .
6 The second point is that you should certainly select subjects you think you will enjoy .
7 You would anyhow not expect on this occasion any words of wisdom from me , indeed my wife and four daughters would doubtless tell you that you should never expect words of wisdom from me .
8 It 's ironic that you should still make excuses for the fact that the band can play really well , yet there 's nothing here that ca n't be appreciated on the level of a blues number .
9 It 's ironic that you should still make excuses for the fact that the band can play really well , yet there 's nothing here that ca n't be appreciated on the level of a blues number .
10 Like all good scientists , he knew that one should not rush experiments , so a great deal of Italian red wine and a good few Sambucas were consumed before he finally tottered into a taxi and gave the driver ( with some difficulty ) his address .
11 The authors counsel that one should only use indicators which yield convergent results , and they make the useful point that ‘ while some of the output indicators are clearly linked to scientific production , their links with scientific progress are more complex and problematic . ’
12 Although erm his second idea second way of limiting the possibilities on is rather more difficult to accept now and his claim is that we should n't pay members of parliament , that people who go to parliament ought to be doing it out of duty and not out of er interest .
13 ‘ You 've always said , my dear Kit , that we should n't play pirates on the high seas any longer .
14 The concern of civil libertarians , that we should not do things to or about old people which run counter to their wishes , is entirely legitimate .
15 But it can be argued that we should not view rights in this way , and that when their use has adverse effects on third parties , rights should not be treated as signifying a moral entitlement in the right-holder to bring about those effects .
16 Nor that we should not form opinions or make evaluations .
17 Even the rules of social politeness , which suggest that we should not burden others with our problems , will lead us all to respond to enquiries after our health with an automatic ‘ Very well , thank you ’ when often we may be feeling poorly or even downright miserable .
18 The Old Age religions teach that we should not have desires , that we should simply accept whatever happens as God 's will .
19 This case shows neither that employers should refuse jobs to those who have a murky past nor that they should not entrust secrets to subordinate employees — that is impracticable — but that they should not simply rely on the implied duty of confidence ; it can lead to misunderstandings and difficulties as to what is really secret .
20 The Jewish commentaries on the story tell of how the two of them worked as a team , educating the people around them , teaching them that they should not worship idols , and that there is only one God .
21 The political pressures reinforcing this attitude were powerful , and Shinwell , with his eye on the working class cost of living , told the Central Authority at its first meeting that they should not charge prices higher than costs ( without , however , specifying how this was to be interpreted ) .
22 The planning functions of local authorities are a public service and we therefore endorse the principle that they should not charge fees for pre-application advice on development proposals .
23 The report recommended that they should either admit pupils without charging fees and without selecting by ability , or forgo state aid .
24 Department of Health guidelines ( DHSS , 1988b ) suggest that they should also offer parents an opportunity to have their views and wishes heard and that parents should be invited , where practicable , to attend part , or if appropriate the whole , of the case conference .
25 And that they should n't have names at all , but simply be numbered from one to sixty .
26 It is important that it should also have teeth .
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