Example sentences of "that [pron] may [be] [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 On many issues , the convergence with the Liberal Democrats is so marked that there may be mileage in cross-party initiatives .
2 Nevertheless , the large number of organisations involved and the fact that their activities are not centrally co-ordinated as in Northern Ireland , suggests that there may be scope for confusion or conflict between them .
3 It also suggests that there may be scope for significantly reducing the number of committals without interfering with the defendant 's right to opt for jury trial .
4 Father , we long that there may be peace in every nation , and between every nation .
5 John has always gone out of his way to try and persuade similar sufferers that there may be help for them in alternative therapies .
6 If it is thought that there may be infection in the bladder ( cystitis ) or kidneys , a special sample needs to be taken for laboratory analysis .
7 The House of Lords ' decision in Lawrence that there may be theft despite the owner 's consent is applied generally to all forms of consent .
8 In future it seems quite likely that there may be pressure from the Training Commission for a test or certificate of attainment specifically for those working on the TVEI , and that certificate might overlap with the Certificate of Pre-vocational Education .
9 Malachi 3:10 and 11 says ‘ ’ Bring the whole tithe into the storehouse , that there may be food in my house .
10 Mr. Beloff accepts that there remain issues between Lautro and Winchester and he further accepts that there may be room for argument as to whether the material now available would , if it had been produced before 30 October , have made a difference to the decision taken on that day .
11 Other addictive relationships such as some sexual practices may be branded by society as being definitely abnormal or even criminal , yet there is evidence that they may be part of the broad spectrum of addictive disease and therefore outside the personal control of the individual sufferer .
12 Gandhi actually recognizes the problem of relativity and acknowledges that what may be truth for one may be untruth for another .
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