Example sentences of "that [pron] have to be [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 It seemed that everyone had to be classified according to height and weight so that they would compete against boys of roughly the same size in the school sports at the end of the year .
2 I think that everyone had to be rescued by a motor boat as we drifted helplessly around , vainly splashing at the water with these pieces of wood .
3 As soon as I set foot in there , I knew that I had to be involved somehow .
4 My mental health has deteriorated to such an extent that I had to be admitted to hospital and am currently on sedation .
5 While at the city 's Royal Hospital , he took a detour to the maternity ward , where he caused one woman to laugh so much that she had to be whisked away quickly for a premature birth .
6 Much to the prince 's disgust the captain of the Du Teillay refused to join in the action for fear of endangering his passenger 's life , but the Elisabeth suffered 57 killed and 176 wounded and such serious damage that she had to be sent back to Brest , taking with her her precious cargo of arms and French volunteers .
7 And there was a lady in the , in his congregation he preached to masses , to thousands and thousands of people , and she came to him , she was , she was annoyed , she was a rather er , well-to-do lady , and she was offended at this this preaching that she had to be born again , and that people had to have this new birth experience .
8 As it was , she went down so badly with flu that she had to be confined to her room for the duration .
9 The girl became so ill that she had to be taken away .
10 But within a few days , all her mother 's youth and vigour were gone and the energetic , independent woman whose health and dependability she had taken for granted for so long had turned into a helpless invalid , unable to hold down the thinnest gruel , unable to sleep more than a few minutes at a time , unable even to answer the calls of nature on her own , so that she had to be lifted like a child onto the pot and lifted back into the jumble of stinking bedclothes .
11 The vet said that nothing could be done to save her and that she had to be put down .
12 A caesarean section is the ultimate answer to many calving problems but according to Mr Barwise-Munro : ‘ It 's still regarded by farmers as a last resort and very often by the time the vet is called , the cow has been left too long with the result that she has to be culled .
13 ‘ And let her know that you cared so little for me that you had to be reminded ?
14 is that you have to be accepted by the Home Office as well as the erm you know particular institution running the course .
15 There was also a new guard working with Abu Salim , from whom the man got the impression that we had to be treated heavily .
16 Heterosexual feminists argued that we had to be taken seriously as women , and if the media got away with the label of lesbians , then ‘ the women out there ’ would be alienated .
17 It is absurd that we have to be tied up in private Bill procedure in order to allow railway developments of the type that we are discussing tonight .
18 We may not ask for help by weeping , but our bodies may become helpless so that we have to be helped .
19 Burton 's Welsh and hungry and visceral sense that everything had to be grabbed or it would be lost forever would be reinforced at this critical stage in his life by the fatalistically hedonistic mood which infected so many .
20 It became a rule of the ‘ Carry On ’ outfit that everything had to be filmed within spitting distance of Pinewood — and there were real sergeants to carry on the business of teaching them what life in the Army was like .
21 Whilst women 's role as mothers was of paramount importance to society — particularly after the exile when maternity , for various pragmatic reasons , became the means of transmitting and establishing in biological terms , as it were , religious and ethnic identity — it would seem logical , given our culture — nature opposition and the fact that culture seeks to control and impose upon whatever has been construed as natural , that something had to be done in cultural terms about the natural function of childbirth .
22 A public consensus began to form , especially in rural areas , that something had to be done to force the Westminster government to act against the killing and crime .
23 It was in 1972 , when I was twenty-five , that I decided that something had to be done .
24 There had not been time yet to find out exactly how brilliant the child was , but Miss Honey had learned enough to realise that something had to be done about it as soon as possible .
25 John Feaver , LTA Director of Events and Tournaments , said , ‘ Our experiences last year convinced us that something had to be done and we hope that this system will really help the enthusiastic spectator . ’
26 On the one hand , business leaders agreed that something had to be done to the health-care system because the cost of covering their workers was eroding their profits .
27 Most people acknowledged that something had to be done , but Congress continued to drag its heels .
28 At the end of the war the Buckinghams decided that something had to be done ; not Mrs Buckingham , who was still repining , but Harriet 's vast web of paternal relations .
29 They said that something had to be done to put right the mess which the Government had made of the Self-Governing Schools etc .
30 He told police many people hated working in the hangar and the thought had just come into his head that something had to be done .
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