Example sentences of "that [pron] have [prep] be done " in BNC.

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1 Whilst women 's role as mothers was of paramount importance to society — particularly after the exile when maternity , for various pragmatic reasons , became the means of transmitting and establishing in biological terms , as it were , religious and ethnic identity — it would seem logical , given our culture — nature opposition and the fact that culture seeks to control and impose upon whatever has been construed as natural , that something had to be done in cultural terms about the natural function of childbirth .
2 A public consensus began to form , especially in rural areas , that something had to be done to force the Westminster government to act against the killing and crime .
3 It was in 1972 , when I was twenty-five , that I decided that something had to be done .
4 There had not been time yet to find out exactly how brilliant the child was , but Miss Honey had learned enough to realise that something had to be done about it as soon as possible .
5 John Feaver , LTA Director of Events and Tournaments , said , ‘ Our experiences last year convinced us that something had to be done and we hope that this system will really help the enthusiastic spectator . ’
6 On the one hand , business leaders agreed that something had to be done to the health-care system because the cost of covering their workers was eroding their profits .
7 Most people acknowledged that something had to be done , but Congress continued to drag its heels .
8 At the end of the war the Buckinghams decided that something had to be done ; not Mrs Buckingham , who was still repining , but Harriet 's vast web of paternal relations .
9 They said that something had to be done to put right the mess which the Government had made of the Self-Governing Schools etc .
10 He told police many people hated working in the hangar and the thought had just come into his head that something had to be done .
11 ‘ The club realised that something had to be done .
12 WE hear that there was a big attendance at the first meeting of the new Basingstoke branch of the League Against Cruel Sports , when the League 's information officer , Kevin Flack , told them : ‘ I believe that most people are opposed to hunting but it has been recent antics of the Quorn Hunt and publicity from the MacNamara Bill that has convinced them that something has to be done to put an end to their activities . ’
13 Few would deny that something has to be done to alleviate the problems there , caused by up to 9,000 vehicles per day negotiating a narrow , winding road .
14 However , the title development is useful because it highlights the fact that something has to be done with evaluations : something to improve the process next time around .
15 I become aware when parts of my body become tense and , more importantly , I know now how to ‘ relax ’ them , and when my body is saying that it has had enough I am able to leave things till tomorrow instead of insisting that they have to be done today .
16 The large catch was that it had to be done quickly and with no capital expenditure on new equipment .
17 Under the Transport Act 1985 , local authorities had a duty to pay regard to the transport needs of the elderly and disabled , but merely having to pay regard to those needs does not mean that anything has to be done about the specifications that have been laid down by the disabled persons transport advisory committee .
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