Example sentences of "that [pron] have [be] [vb pp] up " in BNC.

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1 Typical of the man , Ashe seemed more concerned about my welfare , hearing that I had been beaten up outside the stadium by a stick wielding Army officer , than his own .
2 I thought that I had been set up .
3 Her tone betrayed the fact that she had been keyed up about it ever since the procedure had been done this morning at the obstetrician 's consulting-rooms , and Belinda hoped Faye had been keeping careful tabs on her blood-sugar level in case it was being affected by her mood .
4 At any rate , they had known that the Nilsen girl had n't delivered her message unless they were guessing , word having got around that she had been picked up unconscious .
5 Certainly Joanne Menzies appeared not to recognize him , although he 'd rather regretted choosing the character of Detective-Sergeant McWhirter of Scotland Yard when she revealed that she 'd been brought up near the Kyles of Bute .
6 They might also reveal that you have been in some distant shopping mall far from your usual stomping ground on a day on which you had sworn ( at least to the office ) that you had been laid up with flu .
7 ‘ You know you have no father or mother , ’ said the first man , ‘ and that you have been brought up with other orphans ? ’
8 This way of thinking has to be one of the blinder alleys that we have been led up by psychoanalysis .
9 erm , when we are victims of crime , and personally I think that there are two main reasons for that , one reason certainly is that when women erm are victims of crime that there is of a sexual nature or domestic violence , part of the way that we have been brought up and part of the way that those crimes have been portrayed , is to portray them as our fault
10 What I really love about these guitars — the 12-strings especially — is that they 've been set up with the lowest , most buzz-free actions imaginable .
11 I 'm very happy that they 've been picked up and that they will now be on their way to Chile .
12 ‘ Of course , all the islands are volcanic in the sense that they 've been thrown up from the depths by submarine upheavals thousands of years ago ; but only one of them 's got a crater .
13 PULSARS that are members of binary systems in globular clusters are all rapidly rotating , and it is assumed that they have been spun up by accretion from binary companions .
14 The problems with most people , if I can generalise , is that they have been brought up on the notion that a picture has to represent something and that to them means something recognizable , like a tree , or a landscape , or a windmill , or an oast house .
15 The BBC put on a programme about the event a few years ago , harping particularly on the fact that it had been hushed up until then .
16 Such has been the success of the piece on a short provincial tour , that it has been snapped up by The Globe in the centre of London 's theatreland .
17 I sincerely hope that it has been picked up by accident and that I will be re-united with it soon , as I find it hard to believe that such an incident could lead to its deliberate theft .
18 Sure enough , within a day or two of this regrettable difference of opinion between the two physicians word went round the garrison that he had been seen up and about again .
19 Later , relatives of another polio victim told the Derry Journal that he had been beaten up by a group of policemen when he went to buy cigarettes on the evening of Sunday 6 October .
20 Filshin claimed that he had been set up , and announced that he was resigning in protest at an " anti-democratic campaign " being waged by the KGB and " central Soviet structures " to discredit the Russian Federation government .
21 ‘ For Christ 's sake — because I believe Tweed is innocent , that he 's been framed up to the hilt .
22 ‘ And saying , ’ said Wendy , ‘ that he 's been held up at a confinement when he 's forgotten all about somebody . ’
23 His proud mum met him at Shannon Airport with the news that he has been called up by the Lions as a replacement for winger Ian Hunter .
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