Example sentences of "that [pron] be [adj] for [verb] " in BNC.

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1 It has helped my try-scoring , too , that I am responsible for scoring our pushover tries .
2 Afterwards she repented it bitterly , but she was hopeless at apologizing : instead of retracting her feelings , what she always did was to say that she was sorry for expressing them , a kind of amends that costs nothing and carries the built-in rebuke that the other person is unable to bear the truth .
3 I think by and large that will have no effect on us at all , since most of the independent films that we 're responsible for tend to go out under club showings and do not therefore need to have certificates .
4 He talked of the Governor Support Unit and I 'd like to remind Councillor and his group that they were responsible for taking over a hundred posts out of the administrative section of .
5 If they did , they would be forced to answer parliamentary questions and they might find that they were responsible for feeding the refugee population .
6 Dissident Shia groups were also reported on Jan. 9 to have claimed that they were responsible for killing a group of senior air force officers during an attack on air force headquarters in Baghdad .
7 A new report by the British Government recommends that overall dietary intakes of DEHA should be reduced and that it is unsuitable for cooking in microwave ovens .
8 One point Airtours is anxious to make is that it is normal for discounting to take place during May , June and October ; children are still at school and tour operators try to tempt others to book their holidays .
9 Since Central news first showed these pictures last february , Watkins Engineering has been issued with a legal notice telling the firm that it is responsible for clearing out the shaft .
10 Since Central news first showed these pictures last february , Watkins Engineering has been issued with a legal notice telling the firm that it is responsible for clearing out the shaft .
11 Since Central news first showed these pictures last february , Watkins Engineering has been issued with a legal notice telling the firm that it is responsible for clearing out the shaft .
12 Since Central news first showed these pictures last february , Watkins Engineering has been issued with a legal notice telling the firm that it is responsible for clearing out the shaft .
13 The US government has been told by congressional investigators that it is responsible for cleaning up possibly hundreds of thousands of publicly-owned environmentally hazardous sites , at a cost of billions of dollars .
14 Although a date for the elections was not set , the government indicated that it was anxious for voting to take place before the end of the year .
15 The Fao area was repaired to the extent that it was possible for loading to be resumed at a restored Mina al-Bakr terminal .
16 It also remained a source of controversy among the Canadian electorate , its supporters maintaining that it was essential for competing with the world 's other large trading blocs , while its opponents blamed it for Canada 's current economic malaise .
17 He arranged as quickly as possible for the vault under the House of Lords to be vacated by its tenant and the news that it was available for renting to be passed to the associates of Guy Fawkes .
18 The group 's leader , Hennie Muller , denied that it was responsible for beating to death a black mineworker in March , and blamed the neo-Nazi Afrikaner Weerstandsbeweging ( AWB ) .
19 So much milk came into Waterloo that it was renowned for smelling of sour milk all day .
20 Beccaria starts by looking at the justification of the right to punish ; he concludes that it is to be found in the social contract whose central tenet he declares to be ‘ the greatest happiness of the greatest number ’ ( it is possible that he is responsible for originating this particular cliché ) .
21 It is possible that he contributed to early issues of the newsbook , but there is no evidence that he was responsible for editing it , and nothing in his future career or conduct to link him directly with the Levellers .
22 It was said , even within the confines of the Politburo itself , that he was responsible for sending more people to their deaths in the Siberian concentration camps than any other KGB officer in living memory .
23 LORD ALDINGTON denied in the High Court yesterday that he was responsible for seeking permission from higher command to use force to repatriate unwilling Cossacks from Austria only days after General Dwight Eisenhower , Supreme Allied Commander , offered to arrange their peaceful evacuation in May 1945 .
24 He was a senior , dedicated member , and it did n't at first appear that he had committed any atrocities , but we later found out that he was responsible for denouncing people who had anti-Fascist sympathies , and that it was because of him that we had been taken to Tabiano .
25 Lord Aldington — formerly Brigadier Toby Low — who is suing for libel damages over allegations that he is guilty of war crimes , denied a suggestion by Richard Rampton QC , for the defence , that he was responsible for drafting the 23 May request .
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