Example sentences of "that [pron] [vb mod] [verb] [indef pn] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 I decided that in the circumstances this was not a job that I would entrust anyone else to do , and I motored to Hampstead myself .
2 Meanwhile , he was anxious for me to contribute further to The Criterion , and he remained hopeful that I would write something more substantial .
3 but you , I never dreamt that I 'll meet somebody like you , no I never dreamt
4 You must understand that I can do nothing further for you .
5 And give me a pair of tongs so that I can take one out of the water at a time . ’
6 It left me wishing that someone would write something equally attractive about the work in the United Kingdom — golden ages in science are rare and should be recorded .
7 Tea breaks and chats in the yard and dart games in the pub make life pleasant ; the fact that nobody will do anybody else 's job gives everybody security ; people 's aspirations do not take them out of their group , but concern the group as such ’
8 On an evening when he had broken the silence with one of his quietist cracks she would feel a sense of remorse and insufficiency descending on her , and hours later find herself in the larder , eating the remains of whatever was under the meat sieve and weeping that she should do something so self-defeating and stupid .
9 The slighted Samaritan can , of course , reply on her own behalf that she does care about suffering in general but that she cares much more about its manifestations that she can do something about and that involve her personally .
10 She is blind , so each contestant must tell her their adventures in great detail , so that she can see everything clearly in her mind 's eye .
11 I work in Chipping Norton at the Presbytery and erm it just amazed me that she could tell someone not to smoke .
12 And that happened each day till Thursday and then , by then , you were delivering what had come back from the Monday , hoping that when you delivered , and collected the money of course , that you might get something else tt , which I were n't too bad a salesman really .
13 I think that you could do something in between here , but I do n't know the country well enough to say exactly that mix would be .
14 If there was a swell on the east side where the the grating but there was also a gully landing which you get into the gully but it had to be a very fine day to get into the gully and there was a derrick there er you could a crane there that you could take everything out of the boat but it had to be a very fine day to get into the gully .
15 but the idea is to get their ideas so that you can tell somebody else how you do it on your side then you can tell somebody else
16 The reason why the Nazis persecuted the Jews was so that people would forget their own problems ; perhaps the reason you do this is so that you can blame someone else for your failings ?
17 In this exercise you will prove to yourself that you can invent something quite new , a change which perhaps connects with your own life but is seen from the outside , happening to someone else .
18 It is the same with the notion that you can bring everybody up to the average .
19 I mean , you 've got to bear in mind that God created the , the heavens and , and the earth and any human that 's er in God 's memory who 's is deceased out the way , if you 've got enough faith , you can believe that you can bring anything back
20 I 've discovered that one can paint anything so long as it 's BIG !
21 I really feel she said , I hope that we can sort something out , but the next morning of course I was first on the list I had my formal interview , mine was half past nine , but when I got in there Sue , and Steve which was gon na be the head manager and this girl from erm Princess Marina who was gon na be the nurse
22 If we take out a joint mortgage , will she have to cash in her endowment policy so that we can take one out together ?
23 The men went in and stated their case to the man in charge , but he merely informed them that they would get nothing immediately and that they were to come back when their money had gone .
24 ‘ I think they 're being watched in the hope that they 'll give something away .
25 Some of them would be put over hurdles next season , perhaps one might be sold to Barbados or Abu Dhabi in the forlorn hope that they could win something there , but most of them were racing in the shadow of the knacker 's yard .
26 After all these years of watching birds of prey in flight , I still find that they will do something completely unexpected .
27 Well maybe it would be good if these children took on board that they can do something right now .
28 What many need is to be told that they can achieve something more constructive than a profit from others ' financial predicament .
29 Many clients like to shop around before they commit themselves to a solicitor and like to feel that they can find something out about you before they are committed to the payment of fees .
30 It might therefore have been recommended were it not that it would take someone already well-versed in galactic studies to interpret a text badly translated and poorly proof-read , abounding in misspellings and obscure turns of phrase .
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