Example sentences of "that [pron] [vb base] [vb pp] [prep] this " in BNC.

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1 The real issue was put in possibly the best speech that I have heard in this place by the right hon. Member for Chesterfield ( Mr. Benn ) last night .
2 It is recommended that we purchase from Action Computer Supplies , our usual printer supplier , who has the lowest price that I have seen for this printer at the moment .
3 I can count the number of trout that I have taken from this lovely loch on the fingers of one hand and blank days are the rule , but I keep going back for more .
4 It is with great personal regret that I have come to this conclusion .
5 Have you got any photographs that you 've taken by this means ?
6 ‘ Either that , or I 'm pointing out that you 've failed on this occasion and will have even less opportunity for success on another . ’
7 Father , you know that we have many links with your people in other lands through those that you have called from this congregation to serve you overseas .
8 erm do you think that the erm planning your future that we 've gone through this evening was er was of value to you ?
9 do you think the er the planning your future that we 've gone through this evening was of er particular value to you ?
10 Well , I 'd like to do , that we do do that , I mean , we have I think made some submissions in the past , but I think it 's now quite clear that the fears that we 've expressed in this committee over the years , are well founded , and we 've got to the point , where the whole er project for the special needs people , is is going is going to be very vulnerable .
11 Some sixty per cent of the amendments that we 've adopted in this field have been incorporated in the finished legislation and that means in reality that much of the content of these laws has come from Nigel 's pen , the pens of the other trade unionists inside and outside the G M B that he 's plugged in to that system extremely worthwhile .
12 Erm I think I 'm right in saying that the difference on a hundred percent migration between the House Builders Federation and the County Council , is accounted for by the technical differences that we 've talked about this morning , one thousand six hundred .
13 I 'm not gon na ask for the problems of the homeless people that we 've got in this country .
14 So all the rhetoric that we 've had from this government about better performance N H S , more people being seen by the N H S , that must be read against the fact that over a million people are , or a million patients , are er waiting on N H S waiting lists .
15 Many of the examples that we have given throughout this material have shown such a trend for a short period .
16 As you are aware we will not be receiving all of the Grant that we have applied for this year and have been told by the Sports Council that our Grant is to be reduced over the next 3 years and then cease .
17 This division of the functions of the public sector has proved extremely useful as an analytical device , and it is indeed one that we have followed in this book ( by abstracting from stabilization policy ) .
18 All that we have written in this section has been in a light vein , but there is a very serious side to it .
19 … there has been widespread disillusionment with where educational technology is today that … from the pattern of " no significant difference " findings that we have reported in this paper .
20 In general , the results that we have reported in this chapter have been favourable to the rational expectations hypothesis , suggesting at the very least that the usefulness of that hypothesis in one area of macroeconomics can not be dismissed lightly .
21 Note that we have included in this sample some records that would not pass our standard criteria if our purpose were to establish the exact form of the mean absorbance spectrum .
22 Cost , not quality , ideology not competence , delivery for profit rather than service for people — those are the slogans that we have had from this regime .
23 The counter-examples to the policy ineffectiveness proposition that we have considered in this chapter have led one notable proponent of rational expectations to write ‘ the potential usefulness of activist policy rules in dampening fluctuations … may survive the rational expectations revolution ’ ( McCallum , 1980 , p. 738 ) .
24 Some bibles say that , that they 've come to this , at the end of the day , they had n't quite , had it at that point anyway , cos they 'd approached it cos they were still alive were n't they ?
25 It is their experience in the field of solid state that they have poured into this anniversary model , at the same time dismissing the hybrid technology as a mere conjuring trick .
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