Example sentences of "that [pron] [vb past] [verb] [adv] much " in BNC.

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1 I did my best , but I suppose it was during that time that I began to drink too much and that finished off my promotion chances .
2 It was also agreed that the gallery had been overheated and airless and that I had drunk too much .
3 There was a little shop in my home town that I had liked very much , selling old bits and pieces , books and engravings ; all that was for sale was in a jumble , and the windows had not been cleaned in years .
4 I hated speaking to large groups of people and normally would have avoided it at all costs , but I found that I had thought so much about this that telling other people was a relief .
5 She was beginning to be afraid , in fact , that she had drunk too much .
6 So insecure about her sexuality that she 'd eaten too much and got fat .
7 The encouraging rapprochement between Tehran and London that we 'd heard so much about the previous year was at an end .
8 He had seen it hundreds of times on the faces of people who fancied that they had said too much to him , opened their hearts too wide .
9 The Liberal Democrats complained that too many schools have outside lavatories ; that the Tories were profligate in setting up a chair of maritime history at a local university ; and that they had spent too much on a ceremonial mace .
10 Maybe , Liz reflects ( for this is what she contemplates , through the oval mirror ) , maybe this is why they decided to have such a party , this year , at the end of this decade : as a sign that they had weathered so much , and were now entering a new phase ?
11 ‘ It was flattering that they wanted to spend so much on me , ’ says Tara .
12 After her husband 's death Valerie Eliot declared , " He felt he had paid too high a price to be a poet , that he had suffered too much " .
13 ‘ In Gloucestershire at their kennels and smallholding ? ’ he questioned , causing her to warm to him that he had remembered so much .
14 Crusoe 's fabled isle contained all he needed to sustain life — given , that is , that he had rescued so much of use from the wreck , not forgetting a Bible ; and Defoe 's most compelling point was that the island is a self-sufficient place to anyone who can bring courage to the task of living in it , along with an inherited faith and a few tools .
15 It is hard to think that Anselm did not feel some indignation on reading these words , which implied that he had read too much into Urban II's decree , and that Paschal had not himself been present when those words were spoken .
16 ( None of his books indicated that he had spent so much of his life in America . )
17 Perhaps the conservatism of his views in 1857 derived from the fact that he had spent too much time studying the narrow-minded documents bequeathed by Nicholas I. In 1858 he was certainly impressed by The Bell , by reports of the disturbances in Estonia , and by his correspondence with Evgenii Obolenskii ( one of the three Decembrists of Kaluga ) .
18 When at last he could return to the plans he had left incomplete in 1102 , he seems to have recognized that he had attempted too much .
19 Nick and I went to see Canon Oates and we knew after only a few minutes in his company that he wanted to help very much .
20 But it was clear that he wanted to make as much money out of me as he could .
21 It was proof that what had meant so much to her meant little or nothing to him .
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