Example sentences of "that [pron] [adv] [vb base] [not/n't] know " in BNC.

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1 How he can justify that I just do n't know . ’
2 I suddenly realized recently that I 'm so far short of having any kind of representational experience that I just do n't know what 's going on in this country .
3 Then again , it 's much more likely that I just do n't know how to use these things properly .
4 We can be influenced by history , we can , we learn from history , we can do all sorts of things about history but what er er as far as er Christopher 's concerned , what do we do now because that I just do n't know !
5 I have to say here that I honestly do not know whether such experiences are examples of genuine recall or figments of the dreamer 's imagination .
6 And they 're all genuinely things apology or or whatever reason , there are things that I genuinely do n't know .
7 I I I ca n't answer that I really do n't know .
8 I 've seen lots of pictures where people are obviously doing something that you just do n't know what 's going on and that , that is a pity because er er the idea of a photograph is to illustrate what 's happening .
9 Mr Smith retorted : ‘ It is abundantly clear that you either do n't know how many billions of pounds were lost or you are unwilling to tell us . ’
10 ‘ Of course what people find impossible to understand about you is that you genuinely do n't know what effect you have on men . ’
11 One honest booklet on food and health explains , ‘ The main reason why there are conflicting views about the effect of food on health is that we simply do n't know all the answers yet .
12 He was wrong , but it is only fair to add that we still do not know how all the specific external stimuli which induce cell differences arise .
13 The difficulty with this sort of material is that we often do not know if the coins have been acquired on a random and thus representative basis .
14 What is interesting about this is that they clearly do not know the history of the form ; they are unaware that the rule was made so rigidly in the first place to suit the whims of anti-feminists .
15 On the one hand , it may well be felt that an old person 's wish to stay with a carer should be respected unless their mental state is so gravely impaired that they literally do not know what they are doing .
16 The Government are not about to hand out dollops of money so that inexperienced people can buy complicated equipment that they then do not know how to use .
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